Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #3

Gurunathar’s Divine Message -Moolam Pooja ~ 25-05-2005

There are some who are eager to ask me a few questions and obtain the answers. In spite of my repeated assurances, that those who have faith in me should have no fears, I am surprised to find they still have doubts and fears. Still, I understand that perhaps I should not perceive others from my point of view. By way of correcting myself, I reply to an elderly lady who thought of asking me a question. Everything is God’s action. The beginning and end will be attained without difficulty. I am happy to perceive the measures that have been adopted to solve the problems and your sincere performance of prayers.

There are some who have fears regarding their health. They are advised to continue to take medicines they are now taking and everything will become all right. One person feels that in spite of his practicing meditation, chanting mantras, performing good religious and social acts he seems to be in the same situation as before. To this person I say: “Dear one, we are all together on the same path. I am a little ahead of you and you are a little behind me. That is the only difference.” Those who are on the spiritual path are assured of liberation. The moment of salvation is according to your destiny. For example, as I have mentioned before, if we sow crops we can’t force them to grow by pulling them. On the other hand, it will only destroy them. You have to take your time in achieving your objectives through Meditation and Karma yoga methods. A mental attitude of hurrying is not suitable for spiritual advancement. Rome was not built in a day. I have mentioned this before. If this is the way for a group of buildings, let us consider and think about the number of births one has to go through and the time needed for the soul to merge with God. As a result of the good acts that you have done you are now on the spiritual path. This itself is a big advancement. There is no place here for fear or anxiety.

I hereby assure you that disease and karmic situation will go away completely. It is destined that you should go through small problems. It must be realized that this is the only way to burn one’s karma. It is destined that the karma incurred through the body has to be experienced and burnt by the body. That is what is happening now. However if we surrender everything to the Lord it would only end in good.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message on Ashwini Star #2

Gurunathar’s Divine Message ~ Ashwini Pooja ~ 07-05-2005

One person mentally raised a doubt, “When we start a good work should we always check to see if the time is auspicious?”.

Generally, starting good work at good times has become the practice. I would say there is nothing wrong with this. Those days, good works were started during period of Kuligan and bad or inauspicious were started during periods of Raghu. This practice has now changed. Some periods during the day have been set aside for good jobs and some for inauspicious ones. Whichever the method followed, when a person performs his duties untiringly, any time is auspicious. Such a person has realized that ‘work is worship’. When he starts a good work, he does not attach importance to the auspiciousness of time. It is his mental state which is important. This is so whether the purpose of his work is personal or for the common good of others. However, tradition makes us abide by the rule of looking for a good time and this is not wrong.

This leads to another question, “Does performing work at auspicious times always yield good results?”.

This is not necessary. As mentioned before, the mental state of a person is important. It is God’s law that ‘anything done with good intention will yield good results’. Hence, looking for an auspicious time is not required. Tradition is the only justification for this practice. I reiterate that for those who believe in hard work and for those who believe in God any time is an auspicious time. This is my conclusion.

[Translation of Gurunathar’s divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri K.V. Narayanan]