Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #83

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 23-09-2012

When a person remembers with humility how small he is, he will be greatly blessed. What seems small has the capacity for great strength. So cease to think of yourself as being of little worth or consequence. What is small today can be of great importance tomorrow.

I have observed some narrow-mindedness amidst some here. This must be sublimated to generosity. Remove all fears from your mind. Everything will soon become alright I assure you. Today I did observe such a situation. To conduct a poojai you need to be very large hearted. You also need to speak openly. You need to set your ego filled mind aside and listen. My Lord did mention the other day that if you act in such a manner, you will find good results. What He said I repeat to all of you as I wish to share with you all that I have received and enjoyed. Keep this advice well in mind and may you achieve great improvement!
I was happy to see that some have made the right decisions. As a result you have reached a good spiritual milestone. Do not move away from this path. With time everything will come in place. You shall not lose what comes your way again. I shall conclude this message by blessing that there are some good things coming to everyone, that good things will happen to some in particular, and that good shall happen the world over!

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #82

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 26-08-2012

I would like to speak to some youngsters whose thinking with regards to their spiritual growth is confused. On looking for the underlying reason, I found their spiritual foundation to be weak.

First you must realize that God is not outside you – He is not external.
Next, you must feel His presence inside you.
Thirdly, you must realize that He never leaves you.
Fourth, you must realize He is beyond all needs.

We pray to God with love. This love grows into worshipful devotion. This in turn grows into a flood that engulfs us. I would say you can now see God. Basically the rule is to stop looking for him outside you. You are never separate from Him. He never leaves you. At the same time you have not realized He is inside you. Reflect on this – ponder on it from time to time. This is my request. We give Him forms since we are unable to conceive Him as formless and thus create a distance between Him and us. We start wrongly feeling that we exist separately. The truth is we suffer all the more because we increase the distance between Him and us. If you want to avoid this, please in your daily prayers include the phrase, “Enrum Yenakkul Irukkum Iraiva” or “God who is always within me”.

It is my belief that this will become the truth which you in turn will realize. You must never say “I could not see God – my whole day of meditation was wasted! ‘You see all along you meditated on a God who was outside you not One who was inside you! Keep your heart pure – go inward – think God is where your heart is. Touch His feet worshipfully and do your ‘pada namaskar’. I would say this will suffice. You do not need to give Him a form when you do this – you should see him in the form of light. If you do this, without fail you shall enjoy God’s grace, I bless you!

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #81

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 30-07-2012

I heard a question, “Can we achieve everything by sheer will power? If so why do we fail sometimes?”. I shall reply to this question. Definitely nothing is impossible for the human mind. If things do not happen as we wish it is due to lack of determination and grit. If you focus solely on one aim mentally I have seen it happen and so have others.
The mistake lies is not being clear and convinced about what you want. Secondly, if you have a picture in your mind in which the colours keep changing it will be like seeing a new picture every day. I ask, “How then can you achieve success?”.
First you must understand completely what you wish to achieve. Next you must see how it can transform into reality- what form would you like to take? Then you must fix this in mind.
For example if you wish to buy a four wheeler you must know what company it should belong and what colour it should be. You should also know where you can park it. This is the practice. If you keep changing your mind about the make, colour and where you can park it buying a vehicle cannot become a reality. To achieve success I would advise you to remember this and practice ‘the power of thought’.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #80

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 05-06-2012

Though there is no great message that I would like to give in particular today still my heart wishes to give one: “Always do one job at a time and do it well”.
In this Yugam I find this increasingly rare. You must realize that when you attempt to do several things at the same time, all of them will not be to complete satisfaction. I see that it is best to go to one job after finishing the previous one. If you try, you will succeed in this. If by chance before finishing today’s task another that is more important comes up don’t be taken aback. Do the new job immediately and postpone your original one for the next day. Do not prolong anything by doing it in a piecemeal manner. There is a reason for me saying this. There are some who from time to time change their ‘Ishta Deivam’ this will not benefit them. Your Ishta Deivam is not a garment you can shed or put on whenever you desire. If you wish to enjoy the full benefit of worshiping God learn to stay steadfast in your faith. If you keep moving away your mind will be confused and perhaps waver. “Stay steadfast in your worship of one God is my advice for these times”.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #79

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 09-05-2012

I would like to mention what can constitute good traits of character. Firstly even in the absence of love you must act as if you care. When you repeat this action it becomes genuine love and action. Then if a person does not have the quality of being charitable, he or she may start by performing acts of charity in order to win praise or appreciation. Over a period of time it becomes habitual, through this, the person’s egoism is moderated.

Even if you initially lack good qualities if you act as if you do, as time passes you will progress greatly by achieving qualities of love, affection, charity and sense of ethics I would say.
Charity is not limited to donating food or money. It refers to kind words and sharing knowledge. Even if you do not possess much materially, sharing what you know amounts to great charity. Do remember this.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #78

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 12-04-2012

There is an explanation I would like to share here. There are many who are unable to see the defects in themselves. They often fly into a temper. I see this only as an attempt to conceal the flaws inherent in their personalities. How can these people improve themselves? First they must identify them. After this they must try to remove them and live accordingly. If they succeed in doing so they will find that not only they are free of anger but they become aware of their true spiritual state and find a great deal of peace. There is a reason for my mentioning this. For those who have embarked on a spiritual journey, particularly Shakthi devotees, often feel that their quality of devotion surpasses that of those around them. This leads to their developing arrogance. They will find their temper flaring to hide their defects become restless, and may speak scathingly to unconnected persons and cause them. To avoid this we must introspect and locate our defects. Only then can we progress. What should we do next? Don’t let these grow. Then seek to get rid of them. It cannot be achieved in a day. Even if it takes time do so step by step dear friends!
Otherwise like a poisonous creeper it will grow and finally prevent you from reaching God. You will be undeserving of His grace. God is beyond Ego and Anger. Love and Affection are the two legs by which He walks about. If we seek His grace we should develop such qualities. You must understand well that to develop this you cannot afford to have ego and anger.
Without pointing to anyone in particular, it is a general truth for all those who seek to proceed on the path of spirituality. Also in these modern times there is even more scope and danger of this happening.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #77

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 15-03-2012

Though there is no specific question today, somewhere from the depth of our surroundings emerges the question :“What use is it to go to the Samadhi of a great saint?” This I have explained before. But I shall do so once again. If you happen to go there with the purpose of sitting around there or spending time there will be no benefits. I would like to point out that if you want a benefit – a spiritual one the following factors are necessary:

  1. Actual faith
  2. A desire for spiritual progress
  3. Reflecting and thinking about God
  4. A firm will and steadfast determination
  5. Being single minded and consistent in seeking your objectives.
    If these are absent, how do you think you will benefit by sitting there, looking about here and there, smiling and talking? I say this because on full moon days I find people doing the pradakshinas and then relaxing and indulging themselves by buying and consuming the eatables available there! There is no spiritual progress here. You may find some physical benefit but in seeking God there will be no special gain. Sit there. Think of the soul of the saint buried there and ask for His grace. Concentrate on gaining it. This should be your intention. But then why should you go to a Samadhi for this? You can do all these while sitting at home – don’t you think? Understand this well. The reason I am telling all this because there are some who believe that they can get whatever they want by going to a samadhi. Remember that it is not the same but your faith that serves you.
    All great ones say “your faith will help you” not “I shall help you”. If you remember this and follow the directions given above benefits will certainly accrue otherwise I would say that going to a samadhi is equal only to a pastime.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #76

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 17-02-2012

I would like to answer a specific question. In this Kaliyugam many believe that there is no harm in indulging in white lies now and then. How one should escape this habit, you may ask. I would tell this dear person, “We are the creators of our own words. They are not given by others. Hence we are responsible for the falsehood”. Must we resort to this and pay the price?
If you state things as they are you may have to face a lack of sympathy in the beginning. However it will earn the trust of those whom you meet, don’t you think? Think about this. Avoid bluffing from the start – however small the lies, when you tell one lie you will find that you have to say several more to cover it up. Life itself becomes one long process of deception,so do set this right.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #75

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 21-01-2012

I see as a good question in what someone has asked. “What is the nature and dimension of light?”. Is it not true, that after the period of darkness that is night, the light of the sun reveals everything to us? From this you can understand that light reveals all. The effect of the Gayathri mantra is the very same. The most important part of this mantra is the request to shower light.
These days there may be kinds of electric light but none can be compared to the light of the sun. I would say that nothing can be compared to the light of the ultimate truth. I would stress that God, and God alone is the Truth. You shall be aware that other truths are not eternal. On seeking this light we get enlightened. All unnecessary ideas, thoughts and states of mind are transformed. This is the true enlightened state. If you seek this, you must go in search of God for you must know that this alone can grant us true realization and wisdom. When we come close to this state we close our eyes. And if in this state of darkness a light emerges, understand it comes from within you. And when you ponder on where truth exists it is revealed that God is within us. I would say this is hidden from us by the surrounding darkness of our mental ailments of lust and anger, unnecessary ideas and egoistic stances. When these are pushed aside, it becomes possible for us to live in this beautiful truth in all its flawless glory.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #74

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 24-12-2011

I would like to present an explanation about the personality of Lord Saturn. Many fear him. They believe the entrance of his influence in their lives ushers in cruelty. This is a misconception. Whether it is in the nineteen year period or the seven and half period, so many of our previous karmas are disposed off. He is the only planetary lord whose name includes ‘Eswaran’. The omnipotent Lord Shiva himself was in a cave for seven and half years because of Him. This indicates how powerful He is. My request is “Do not fear Him”. He is instrumental in helping clear our enormous load of karma. ‘Gnanakaragan’ is one of His names. Through experiencing difficulties we gain wisdom. We cannot forget or deny this admirable action of his. I would also like to mention his bestowing bountiful blessings in some astrological positions. He blesses us with good fortune. So there is no need to fear him. Instead worship his feet and enjoy His grace. All benefits will accrue.
Next there is another question. “What is the difference between “vazathu” and “aasi”? “Vazthu is felicitating your immediate involvement in life or your progress in this life at some particular moment. I might say “You have done well till now. I bless you!”. ‘Aasi’ I would say indicates comprehensive, complete blessings. By gaining this you will assuredly progress spiritually and several of your karmas are erased. If you have the privilege of a great saint blessing you. “May you live well in the future”, you can take it as a blessing from God Himself. This I would say is the major difference.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}