Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #63

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 07-12-2010

Somebody had asked “What is the method of meditation that that should be followed? There has been a lot of rain lately I would say. It is the nature of water to flow from a higher to a lower level. In contrast to this is the path of spiritual progress where the mind is elevated to a higher level. This does differ from the normal human tendency to become immersed in worldly matters. However, when the mind reaches a degree of maturity there should be no difficulty in achieving this. It will benefit you to aim high. This does not refer solely to reaching God but also to cultivating good personal qualities, high thinking and performing good acts. You should emulate anyone who carries out good acts without any mental reservations or negative thoughts. For if these are harboured by you only unhappiness will result. As a rule when you come across someone with positive thoughts try to follow their example. If you miss out on this you will find that you have missed an opportunity to grow or improve.
It is my advice that you will certainly benefit if you consistently introspect and meditate on how to reach higher levels. Coming to the method of meditation you can follow, it is essential that you are initiated and guided by a Guru. There are three or four methods. Choose the method that suits you best and I would say the benefits will accrue automatically.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #62

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 10-11-2010

He will come to nothing who intends ill! “Kedu ninaipavan keduvan”. The question asked was “Is there an inner meaning to this?”. Generally the person who intends to harm others will personally suffer. (As you sow, so shall you reap). You need to pause and think about this. ‘Kedu Ninaippavan’ does not only refer to the one who harms his neighbor but also to the person who resorts to wrong action of any kind. He spends his time planning unethical acts or acts that do not conform to Dharma. Due to his acts he invites his own downfall. He will be destroyed. Not only does he become a corrupt or evil being, the very light of his soul is snuffed out. So the person who constantly involves himself in wrong action will cease to exist as a human being. He is responsible for his own destruction.
Hence if you find yourself thinking wrong thoughts or planning wrong action, put a stop to it by turning your mind to good ,pure and divine acts. You can also try to remember the good things that have happened to you. WHEN YOU DO THIS EVIL CEASES TO EXIST. I have mentioned this before. However only a few follow this. Instead of wondering why wrong thoughts occur, you should actively contemplate on and think of good things or Divinity. Do not stop at regretting the presence of negative intentions around you but project positive ones. This is an important lesson.
Secondly, now-a-days many are exposed to high thinking and good words. They seem to understand this and even speak about it. However they are unable to practice this in their lives. This is a little regrettable. If only they would put in a little effort to practice what they have learnt it will bring them great mental peace. Many fail to do this. They often drown in the difficulties they have to face. It may be difficult to put on a smile, but they should not dwell mentally in these and instead think of past happy moments and incidents. Joy and unhappiness always alternate. When there is so much joy prepare yourselves to face the difficulties that follow. This can never change. If there is great difficulty, remember there are happy times ahead. This is not only law of nature but also results from individual karma. A person who has completed his karma would not be alive on this earth. Please act henceforth after understanding this completely.
I have mentioned reading the Gita or listening to its exposition. I do not see the response to this. If you are unable to do this individually, practice this as a group and reap the benefits.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #61

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 14-10-2010

Speaking of ‘Vairagyam’ it should be adopted consistently and completely. Why do people who are dedicated in their everyday lives fail to be so when carrying out their religious or spiritual duties? I find this puzzling. Such discipline will take you to great heights spiritually.
If you decide: “I must become one with God completely” unnecessary human weakness or qualities will fall away from you. This is my belief. If we have one foot in the stream and one on the bank it will be difficult to reach God. If you are single minded in seeking God you must shed your unnecessary habits step by step. You cannot declare that you will all of a sudden drop everything. It will only prove embarrassing if you have to eat your words after that. So please refrain from making premature declaration.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #60

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 16-09-2010

Today on behalf of the Gods I would like to say something. Please understand it well and follow it. Ishwar has several names as does Lord Narayanan. Some devotees begin to say, “My God is superior to yours!”. As long as you worship God in forms this is not wrong. However to grow further spiritually, you have to go beyond the concept of God’s being represented in forms.
For instance a person may say “Lord Jagadeshwara is more powerful than Lord Jambukeswara” or vice versa depending on the God they are in the habit of worshiping. In the earlier stages of a spiritual aspirant this can be condoned. However if you wish for spiritual advancement and wisdom you have to go beyond this and learn to connect to the formless. You must always believe that Ishwaran or Malavan are the same. Let this be deeply impressed upon your minds! Only then can you realize Lord Shiva and Maha Vishnu are one and the same and you can go to a higher spiritual state. “Hariyum Sivamum Onru|| Ariyadhore Vayil Mannu||” Instead of this I would say “Both are One. The wisdom of one, who does not know this, is equal to dust”. Please understand this and gradually progress beyond the name and form during your worship. Understand that never can Lord Shiva in the form of Jambukeswara be superior or inferior to Lord Shiva in the form of Lord Sundareswaran.
First firmly believe in your minds that “All are One” and then proceed to act. Please remember that more than my telling you, it is on behalf of the Gods that I am conveying this because they see this as a major failing on your part as devotees. This comes not just from me but from the Gods themselves!

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #59

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 23-07-2010

I shall give a reply to the question asked: “Why are functions not held in the month of Aadi”? Please understand that the month of Aadi is not a bad one. According to tradition all of you must refrain from getting too wrapped up with your own activities and concentrate on worshiping Devi or Ambal. Aadi gives happiness. For example, people should not hold their auspicious functions like weddings or house warming and instead focus on worshiping Amma. This will gladden her heart. When you make Ambal happy everything will turn out to be okay for you. I see there is a festival you celebrate called “Aadi Perakku” to indicate this.
So Aadi gives you happiness and will give ‘Aandal’ (the Divine Mother) happiness. You must all enjoy this month of worship! By ‘Aandal’ I do not refer to any particular Goddess but to the One who rules the Universe. So if you mean to follow the practice of gaining the blessings of the Divine with all the resulting happiness make it a point to worship Her with some particular prayer on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. You will certainly reap the benefits.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #58

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 26-06-2010

Here is a good question I would like to answer. There is a proverb: “Idukkan varunkaal naguga” which means when trouble squeezes you; you learn to laugh at it. Someone asked with slight irritation “How can this be done?”. I shall explain: Dear friend we must look at everything in life with equanimity even when you come across something that makes you happy do not exalt too much. If we accustom ourselves to this discipline we can smile at the trials we have to face. FOR WE KNOW THAT IT IS ALL HIS DIVINE PLAY(or Leela).
Always remember that everything that happens to us is the result of some past action of ours. Smiling at it will lessen our anger or indignation. This birth is an opportunity that God has given us to erase the effects of our past actions. Hence during this period misfortunes will certainly occur. If you tell yourself, “Here is a good opportunity for spiritual progress”, there will be no sadness or grief. The real reason behind any unhappiness is the lack of self – surrender to God. Everyone must try to achieve this state then you will always be composed and happy. Our Elders would say “Take each experience with an attitude of surrender to Lord Shiva”. Leave everything to Him. It is His responsibility. You should think, “There is nothing for one to feel happy or unhappy about – I need only to witness it”. With this distance or detachment, events will seem to unfold before you as would scenes from a play. You will not then feel hurt or sad.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #57

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 30-05-2010

After accepting your offerings and blessing you someone asked, “Since we can find no fault in these; where then does the fault lie?”. We looked and found it in the dearth of mercy and compassion you show towards one and another. God created a beautiful world. He created it in his compassion and with kindness. However there is not enough compassion in the creation of God – which is man. Each of us must nurture and increase our kindness. If we are charitable to others, they will be charitable towards us. A world without mercy is an empty one. Compassion is indeed God’s directive (vaaku). There is a reason behind my mentioning it today and I shall explain. Looking at the happenings of recent items there seems to be lack of human compassion. Show kindness towards all living beings and see to it that all living creatures receive kindness. See to it that all countries receive compassion and kindness. Do this by developing the ability to pray and developing the quality to pray for kindness. I have mentioned this because I see the lack of it.

Now I hear the question “Can you tell us a little about how the Vikruthi year is going to be?”. There will be natural disasters throughout the world. These will be due to the anger of the five elements. There will be large scale destruction due to these upheavals. Still India will not suffer too much. But the actions of man will cause a lot of harm and acts of cruelty will increase this year. So avatars will come down to earth. They say a thousand Siddhars will come down to the southern portion of the country but you may not be able to recognize them. There is protection for Tamilnadu I assure you. If you observe the recent happenings you will see that whichever way you look there is destruction, strikes, riots and the sound of bombs exploding. Still if Tamilnadu is a little protected from these it is because of the compassion shown by Siddhars. If you wish for the continued protection
Bend your heads
And listen carefully.
Act accordingly.
Bow your heads in obedience.
Do act in the service of God.
Surrender to the will of God.
And you will gain enduring prosperity! So I state.
All of you need to increase your spiritual wisdom. You need the grace of God to do this and this shall be my blessing for today.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #56

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 5-04-2010

During this period of overflowing bliss I shall be replying to one of your questions which is “Is it necessary to offer Neiveidhiyam or varieties of fruit when worshiping Ishwara?” The answer to this is simple, “If we believe that Ishwara is with us every moment of the day and make an offering we have to Him, there is no need for specially prepared Neiveidhiyam . However till we reach such a state of being one with God or till we continue to feel that God is separate from us [till our ego which differentiates us from our soul identity exists] till then we have to make offerings to God with a purpose of satisfying our spiritual yearning. Remember everything is His creation .We are only returning to Him what He has given us. In prepared Neiveidhiyam the outward form may have changed a little and differs a little from what we have received. This is the truth. What we most importantly must offer God is a pure heart. This being a little difficult to achieve, what I would like to convey to you is that after we strive for it and reach such a level of purity we must offer our pure hearts to Him.
Though I don’t want to specifically say you haven’t reached that level of purity, please do not stop making the Neiveidhiyam. As you progress step by step you must attain the personal traits I have already mentioned to you.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #55

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 09-03-2010

Our eyes can become role model for us. They can see everything around us and yet not see themselves. Similarly you must always live for the good of others before looking to your own interests. This is a recommended practice. Still, in this grand cycle of years(Kali Yuga) it is not the norm. Each of you is lost in self-centeredness not knowing how to step out of it. ‘Why is this so?’ you may wonder. This is mainly because you believe that you can survive only if you live the way everyone around you lives. CHANGE THIS ATTITUDE – step out of selfishness and learn to concern yourselves about others.
My advice is that the first step towards this is to perform ‘Anna Dhanam’. I emphasize that it is indeed a great deed to appease hunger. Increase this step by step. Also perform other good deeds without any expectations.Even when you do good without a motive you need to guard against even a shred of self satisfaction (ego) that gives you a feeling of “I am doing this”. I have observed this in some minds. And it must be completely eradicated. It is God who gives us everything. None of this is ours. Always remember this.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #54

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 09-02-2010

Spiritualism is to increasingly to explore the soul. In these troubled days many seek God for peace of mind. God on His part wishing to give, relief reaches out to them. However what I would like to mention is that this often fails to happen. Each individual has a residue of karma in his “account”. This has to be worked out. So it is unrealistic and wrong to expect immediate changes. In addition I would like to tell you that before entering the spiritual path and seeking to reach high spiritual levels any individual has to be a good human being.

“What does it mean to be a good human being?” some may ask.
Firstly he or she must show concern for others. You must unselfishly be aware of what is convenient or comfortable for others and act accordingly. A good example of how we lack this quality in our nation is the way we drive in our roads! It seems to be considered a weakness to give way to someone else. Instead try to understand the position in which others are and understand what they need to. Secondly throw out arrogance. You are in no way superior to the person next to you. “Valluvanukkum Valluvan undan”. Remember there will always be someone greater than you or more important than you. Some feel showing affection is also a weakness. This is not so. Learn to think that if God is our father we are all His children. Otherwise it is meaningless to wish to progress on the spiritual path. Get rid of expectations. Unfulfilled expectations result in anger. The harm caused will affect you more than the victim. Because when we get angry we are unaware of our losing control and become prey to blinding emotion. In this manner we accumulate some negative karma. I caution you to keep this in mind constantly.
Great souls have advised men and women to first take a soul at themselves and eradicate their own flaws before entering the path of spirituality. If you follow this, you can become instrumental in causing many changes for the better. If you find that you lack good qualities that you see in others inculcate them. If you see defective characteristics in others see if you can spot them in yourself and eradicate them. Let this be your first step. Otherwise after traveling a short distance you may have to give up and the whole universe would be futile. So think a little, it is you who have to make the changes. Even for this you need the help of God’s grace; the efforts have to be initiated by you.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}