பாடல் #49

பாடல் #49: பாயிரம் – 1. கடவுள் வாழ்த்து

பரைபசு பாசத்து நாதனை உள்ளி
உரைபசு பாசத் தொருங்கவல் லார்க்குத்
திரைபசு பாவச் செழுங்கடல் நீந்திக்
கரைபசு பாசம் கடந்தெய்த லாமே.


மாயையால் உயிர்களைக் கட்டிப்போடும் பரை (பராசக்தி) மும்மலங்களால் கட்டுண்ட ஆன்மாவாகிய பசு ஆன்மாக்களை உலகோடு கட்டிப்போடும் பாசம் (உலகப் பற்றுக்கள்) இவை அனைத்திற்கும் தலைவனான இறைவனை உள்ளத்தில் வைத்துப் போற்றிப் புகழ்ந்து அன்பினால் அவனோடு கலந்து இருக்கக்கூடியவர்களுக்கு ஆன்மாவின் கர்மாக்கள் பெருங்கடல் போன்று சூழ்ந்து மெய்ஞானத்தை மறைக்கும் திரைபோல இருந்தாலும் இறைவனின் அருளால் அந்தக் கடலையும் நீந்திக் கரையேறி மும்மலக்கட்டுக்களை அறுத்து உலகப் பற்றுக்களை ஒதுக்கி மாயையைக் கடந்து முக்தியை எய்தலாம்.

பாடல் #50

பாடல் #50: பாயிரம் – 1. கடவுள் வாழ்த்து

சூடுவன் நெஞ்சிடை வைப்பன் பிரான்என்று
பாடுவன் பன்மலர் தூவிப் பணிந்துநின்
றாடுவன் ஆடி அமரர்பி ரான்என்று
நாடுவன் நானின் றறிவது தானே.


இறைவனின் திருவடிகளை என் தலைமேல் சூடிக்கொள்வேன். அவனின் திருவடிகளை என் நெஞ்சத்தில் வைத்துக்கொள்வேன். எம்பெருமான் என்று அவன் புகழ்களைப் பாடுவேன். பலவித மலர்களை அவன் திருவுருவத்தின் மேல் தூவி அவனைப் பணிந்து நின்று அவன் முன்னால் அவன் பெருமைகளைப் பாடிக்கொண்டே ஆடுவேன். ஆடியபின் அமரர்களின் தலைவனான இவனே எனக்கு முக்தியளிக்கக்கூடியவன் என்று அவனை நாடி அடைந்தபின் அனைத்தும் அவனே எனும் உண்மை ஞானத்தை அறிந்து அவனோடே கலந்து நிற்பேன்.


இறைவனை அடைந்து முக்திபெற மாபெரும் தவங்கள் யோகங்கள் யாகங்கள் இருந்தாலும் அவனது திருவடியை எண்ணத்தில் எப்போதும் வைத்து அவனைப் புகழ்ந்து பாடி ஆடி பலவித மலர்களைத் தூவி பூஜித்தாலே அவனை நாடி முக்தியை அடையலாம். இதுவே யாம் அறிந்த சிறந்த உபாயம் என்று திருமூலர் அருளுகின்றார்.

பாடல்: பாயிரம் – கடவுள் வணக்கம்

Ainthu karatthanai yaanai mugatthanai
Inthi nilampirai polum eyitranai
Nandhi maganranai gnaanak kozhunthinaip
Pundhiyil vaitthadi potrukind rene.
I keep the one, who has five hands, elephant face, prongs like the a crescent of Moon, who is the son of Lord Shiva, who represents the state of the height of knowledge, inside my Mind and salute his feet with greetings.

Thirumanthiram presented by Thirumoolar

We present in full of all the 3,108 musical songs (3,046 original verses plus the later additions of 62 verses) sung in pleasant music and divine voice by Mr. Veera Manigandan in his musical album “Thirumoolar Aruliya Thirumanthiram”, with lot of thanks for his great work, for the benefit of everyone here.

Album: Thirumoolar Aruliya Thirumanthiram
Vocal: Mr. Veera Manigandan
Music: Mr. Veera Manigandan
Publisher: Thirumanthira Thamizhisai

Download all the Songs in a single Zip file from the following link:


All the Songs in Play List:

All the Songs Individually:

  1. Proem (Songs 1 To 112):
  2. First Tantra (Songs 113 To 172):
  3. First Tantra (Songs 173 To 232):
  4. First Tantra (Songs 233 To 336):
  5. Second Tantra (Songs 337 To 396):
  6. Second Tantra (Songs 397 To 456):
  7. Second Tantra (Songs 457 To 548):
  8. Third Tantra (Songs 549 To 608):
  9. Third Tantra (Songs 609 To 668):
  10. Third Tantra (Songs 669 To 728):
  11. Third Tantra (Songs 729 To 788):
  12. Third Tantra (Songs 789 To 848):
  13. Third Tantra (Songs 849 To 883):
  14. Fourth Tantra (Songs 884 To 943):
  15. Fourth Tantra (Songs 944 To 1003):
  16. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1004 To 1063):
  17. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1064 To 1123):
  18. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1124 To 1183):
  19. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1184 To 1243):
  20. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1244 To 1303):
  21. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1304 To 1363):
  22. Fourth Tantra (Songs 1364 To 1418):
  23. Fifth Tantra (Songs 1419 To 1478):
  24. Fifth Tantra (Songs 1479 To 1572):
  25. Sixth Tantra (Songs 1573 To 1632):
  26. Sixth Tantra (Songs 1633 To 1703):
  27. Seventh Tantra (Songs 1704 To 1763):
  28. Seventh Tantra (Songs 1764 To 1823):
  29. Seventh Tantra (Songs 1824 To 1883):
  30. Seventh Tantra (Songs 1884 To 1943):
  31. Seventh Tantra (Songs 1944 To 2003):
  32. Seventh Tantra (Songs 2004 To 2063):
  33. Seventh Tantra (Songs 2064 To 2121):
  34. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2122 To 2181):
  35. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2182 To 2241):
  36. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2242 To 2301):
  37. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2302 To 2361):
  38. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2362 To 2421):
  39. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2422 To 2481):
  40. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2482 To 2541):
  41. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2542 To 2601):
  42. Eighth Tantra (Songs 2602 To 2648):
  43. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2649 To 2708):
  44. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2709 To 2768):
  45. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2769 To 2828):
  46. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2829 To 2888):
  47. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2889 To 2948):
  48. Ninth Tantra (Songs 2949 To 3008):
  49. Ninth Tantra (Songs 3009 To 3047):
  50. Extra Verses (Songs 3048 To 3108):

Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #7

Gurunathar’s Divine Message – Moolam Pooja ~ 12-09-2005

I perceive confusion here: “Which path should be taken to reach God?” Yoga, Bhakthi or Gnana Margam – which is the best part? The path that seems easiest to an individual is the one best suited for him. In any building you can have two or three entrances. Whichever the way you take you can enter into the house. However choosing the trouble free easy path is the wisest move. For many lack of physical and mental health proves to be obstructions in the path of Yoga.

The Bhakthi margam helps people to achieve Godhood by chanting mantras. Music also becomes an aid to devotion. If you worship God with devotion He will not stay away from you. In the Kaliyugam, Yoga practices and meditative states are difficult to adopt. Hence the easy method is Bhakthi margam or the path of devotion which is Namakirtan. However if we have a deep and exalted will you can take up the practice of Yoga. I have metioned the easy path for your choice.

In the Gnana margam there are certain confusions because each Guru has his own explanation. Before you can understand which is the right interpretation your life on earth may be over. If you do not take up Yoga, then following the Bhakthi margam will be the best solution.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #6

Gurunathar’s Divine Message- Moolam Pooja ~15-08-2005

I have thought of an answer to a question of which I have become aware. Is it essential to practice meditation at the same time and place? If so, why? This in itself is an excellent question. There is the physical body, the astral self, the causal body and the soul. If you separate these it becomes easier to understand. The physical body needs food. So we eat at specific times. As we near the mealtimes we feel pangs of hunger. After eating, they disappear. So food becomes necessary for the body. Similarly it becomes necessary to meditate at the same time and place for the astral body and soul; we must try to make this a habit. The mind becomes steady when we approach the accustomed place. For those who meditate and chant, mantras constantly this is not necessary.

I have not mentioned this because there are few who belong to this group which is typical of the Kaliyugam. Generally speaking, for those who want to advance spiritually it will benefit them to choose specific periods of time for sadhana and one specific place.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #5

Gurunathar’s Divine Message – Moolam Pooja ~19-07-2005
I would like to shed light on a specific question.”Do children have to bear the results of the sins committed by their parents?” I can explain this easily. During this age if a parent becomes a thief his son cannot be punished for his crime. Even the law does not allow this. The Karmic law dictates the same. Each person has to experience the fruit of his own actions and fulfill his destiny. Sometimes the joint family practice can create issues. For example: If parents keep indifferent health, the other members of the family are affected. The reason is the bonds of affection created by relationships. They do not suffer for reasons in their individual lives but spend their karma through such relationships. This is due to the bonds of love and affection. Similarly good parents sometimes have a child who has an accumulation of negative karma and have to suffer through looking after him. Such a child is born to them with the purpose of their completing their karma. Still we cannot say that the sins of the father are visited on the son. The explanation is: each person has to experience the result of his own actions.
{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #4

Gurunathar’s Divine Message – Moolam Pooja – 22-06-2005

Here is an answer to a general question: “Why is it that only Hindu Gods have eight or ten arms with weapons in them?” On thinking, the answer comes easily, each weapon is for protection and the eight arms cover the eight directions. If there are two or more arms, they are also for protection: you will find them pointing upwards and downwards. The upward arm in the “abhyam” posture is for protection from fear and for granting general blessings while the downward arm signifies protection from forces below and also denotes receiving of protective energies.

The second question is important. Why is the large Vinayagar seated on the small rat (Mooshigan)? The first answer is that our arrogance is represented as the vahanam. We should gain control over it and decrease it. Unless we start with this we cannot progress towards wisdom of ‘Gnanam’. The second answer is that on achieving the ‘Ashtama Siddhis’ or eight siddhis one should be able to seat oneself on a form that is proportionately much smaller, without discomfort. Vinayagar shows us that we can achieve anything by the fusion of the soul with the universal consciousness (or Omkar). Please think over this carefully and give two more interpretations if possible.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s message Moola Star #3

Gurunathar’s Divine Message -Moolam Pooja ~ 25-05-2005

There are some who are eager to ask me a few questions and obtain the answers. In spite of my repeated assurances, that those who have faith in me should have no fears, I am surprised to find they still have doubts and fears. Still, I understand that perhaps I should not perceive others from my point of view. By way of correcting myself, I reply to an elderly lady who thought of asking me a question. Everything is God’s action. The beginning and end will be attained without difficulty. I am happy to perceive the measures that have been adopted to solve the problems and your sincere performance of prayers.

There are some who have fears regarding their health. They are advised to continue to take medicines they are now taking and everything will become all right. One person feels that in spite of his practicing meditation, chanting mantras, performing good religious and social acts he seems to be in the same situation as before. To this person I say: “Dear one, we are all together on the same path. I am a little ahead of you and you are a little behind me. That is the only difference.” Those who are on the spiritual path are assured of liberation. The moment of salvation is according to your destiny. For example, as I have mentioned before, if we sow crops we can’t force them to grow by pulling them. On the other hand, it will only destroy them. You have to take your time in achieving your objectives through Meditation and Karma yoga methods. A mental attitude of hurrying is not suitable for spiritual advancement. Rome was not built in a day. I have mentioned this before. If this is the way for a group of buildings, let us consider and think about the number of births one has to go through and the time needed for the soul to merge with God. As a result of the good acts that you have done you are now on the spiritual path. This itself is a big advancement. There is no place here for fear or anxiety.

I hereby assure you that disease and karmic situation will go away completely. It is destined that you should go through small problems. It must be realized that this is the only way to burn one’s karma. It is destined that the karma incurred through the body has to be experienced and burnt by the body. That is what is happening now. However if we surrender everything to the Lord it would only end in good.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}