Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #41

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 18-09-2008

I would like to answer a question .Based on what I have said someone asked, “Is it wrong to accumulate wealth?” The reply is evident in the question itself. I would say the very word ‘accumulation’ refers to something in excess of our requirements. In this Kaliyugam I understand that material possessions are a necessity. Still I would say “Keep only what u need”. If you have more your good sense is mislead to think wrongly. If you are earning in excess, use it for good work. I have never said do not work or do not save money. Keep for yourself what you need and use the rest for useful activities. This is the advice I seek to give.
Nowadays responsibilities are on the increase, and family expenses have risen. People have to travel distances to their place of work and for this they need vehicles. You need a place in which to live. After spending on all these you need to save for children. Anything you save beyond this or accumulation of jewelry only makes you constantly afraid of theft etc. Keep only what is necessary. There are so many good things on which you can spend. Often old people and children have to suffer due to lack of funds. Give it to them. Give for annadhanam this will bring benefits. It is even better if you make arrangements to give food permanently for one individual. It is very good to spend on the education of one person apart from our own children. Let us have them fed well. If you develop this practice God will certainly bless and keep you close to Him.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #40

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 18-07-2006

‘’I heard a good question and decided to give an explanation in this manner. The question is about our concept of ‘I and mine , our sense of identity. The question is ‘If I is equated to ego or arrogance how should we behave in our normal day to day life?’.’’
Guruji explains: when we speak about ourselves we say, ’’This is my name, this is what I do etc., whatever our identity or profession might be. How can we live in this world without such an identity? We cannot do so. ‘’Then how should we live?’’, is the question.
Gurunathar says: “There is no defect in the concept or word ‘I’. It is when our personalities or attitudes influence this concept that the flaws begin to exist. When we put ourselves on par with others we should not think ourselves superior to them. This would be wrong and become the beginning of arrogance. If we are able to recognize the presence of God in other living beings and realize their level of divinity there is no room for the growth of arrogance. Hence there is nothing wrong in our acknowledging our individual identities. For instance when I came with Lord Ganesha, it would not have been wrong to say “you are Vinayakar. I am Moolan”, because I am fully aware of His state of divinity and strength when I mention my identity.
I am superior-others are all inferior.
I am special-others are ordinary.
I am rich-others are poor.
I am a great scholar-others are ignorant.
To think in all these ways causes the growth of arrogance. It is not wrong to maintain our identity. It is the attitudes we adopt that make the difference.’’
(Extract from Gurunathar’s divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #39

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 28-06-2008

There is a general question I would like to answer. Several people want to know the benefits of Namasmaranam. This means repeating the name of God. The name of God is no different from God Himself. We first get into the habit of repeating God’s name and bring Him close to us. We are initiated into this by a Guru or start it on our own. We learn to constantly repeat it in our minds during all our activities. As we practice this along with pure thinking, just the way we seek to bring God close to us, God brings us under his close supervision. This is the special quality of NAMA MANTRAM.

Someone once asked “What is the best mantra in the world?” I was a little taken aback. For me and for other Siddhars repeating the name of Lord Shiva may be easy, but for the average person here what would be more suitable? For this l would suggest the name of ‘Ram’. Among the mantras of Ram the one which causes special impact is ‘SHREE RAM JAYA RAM JAYA JAYA RAM’. To this I would prefix ‘OM’. This would complete the mantra said by Smartha Ramdas. Not only will it bring peace of mind, if said with dedication it can bring mukthi within this life. You must understand this well. Any person can be taken to the level of Mukthi (Jeevan Mukthas). For those who are already spiritually advanced, the name of Lord Shiva is fitting and good for their final mukthi. From ‘HARI’ we go to ‘HARAN’. From ‘HARAN’ we go to the Supreme One (Parabrahmam). This is because Hari is the Protector. In our daily lives he watches us keenly and notices the details of living and blesses us with prosperity. ‘RUDRAN’ gives mukthi and hence prefers detachment to all worldly objects. Such being the case HARI takes us to the mukthi stage and HARAN to that of final mukthi, a stage beyond human birth.
{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திரத்தில் குருநாதர் கருத்துக்கள் #38

4-5-2008 அன்று நடந்த அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திர பூஜையில் குருநாதர் கூறிய கருத்துக்கள்:

காலமதன் முக்கியத்துவம் இங்கும் உணர்த்திட உள்ளோம்
காலத்தில் அனைத்தும் நடத்துதல் வேண்டும் என்றும்
காலமே அனைத்திற்கும் விதி என்றும்
காலமே பிறப்பிற்கும் இறப்பிற்கும் மத்தியத்தில் நிற்பதென்றும்
காலமே அனைத்திலும் முக்கியத்துவம் காண்பது என்பேன்
காலமதில் முக்கியம் என்றிட்ட போதிலும்
காலமதை எவரும் பொருட்படுத்துவதில்லை
காலத்தில் ஓர் இடம் செல்ல வேண்டுமென்றால்
காலத்திற்குள் செல்லுதல் வேண்டும்
காலம் கடந்து செல்லுதல் பெருமையென்ற நிலை நவீன நிலையாக உள்ளது
காலம் தவிர்த்து செல்லுதல் தவிர்த்தல் வேண்டும் நீங்களும்
காலத்தின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை பொதுவாக கூறினோம்
காலத்தின் முக்கியத்துவம் ஆன்மீக நிலையில் கூறிட
காலமது சென்றிட்டால் ஞானமும் சென்றிடுமே
காலமது சென்றிட்டால் பிராப்தங்கள் விலகிடுமே
காலமது சென்றிட்டால் கிடைக்கக் கூடிய பாக்கியமும் விலகிடுமே
காலமதன் முக்கியத்துவம் பூஜை விதிகள் என்கின்ற வகைகளில் பார்த்தால்
காலத்தில் வராதோர் பயனற்ற நிலையும் காண்பரே
காலம் காலம் காலம் காலம் ஒன்றே காக்கும் ஏனெனில்
காலமும் சிவனும் ஒன்றே
காலத்திற்கும் மதிப்பினை கொடுக்கா விட்டால்
சிவனை அவமதிக்கும் நிலையும் காண்போம்.

ஓர் நாள் ஊதியம் சென்று விடும் என்றால் காலத்திற்குள் வேலை செய்யும் இடத்திற்கு ஓடுவதை அனைவரும் காண்கிறோம். இருப்பினும் தெய்வத்தை காக்க வைப்பது சகஜ நிலை ஆயிற்று. இவ்விதம் இருப்பது ஆன்மீக நிலைக்கும் சீரானதல்ல.

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #37

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 07-04-2008

I would like to give an explanation. It was a good question I heard here. And I would like the one who asked it to listen to the answer. It is beneficial to read or write mantras? Similarly, what is the benefit of repeating the name of God? My reply: God is no different than His name. So when you repeat His name, He comes close to you and He is present! Mantras and Tantra’s are not really necessary. Just repeating His name and keeping this a constant habit will get you the benefit equal to going into God’s presence. It will also reveal the path to Mukthi. So why do we use Mantra’s and Tantra’s? They are useful in directing your minds and helping you concentrate. They are also useful in achieving various objectives. If reaching God is our only objective, chanting His name constantly and directing our thoughts towards Him is sufficient.
{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #36

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 11-03-2008

There is a reply I would like to give. Though the question is an ordinary one, I would say the answer is of great importance.
The question is “why is it that happiness always comes to an end?” We need to analyze “What is happiness?” “What is it that causes distress or unhappiness?” Sorrow always follows close on the heels of happiness. This is because they are of our very own creation. When we come to face to face with the truth, both happiness and unhappiness do not exist. We can convert our sorrow to happiness when we acknowledge that our difficulties have come to erase our bad karma. Thus we will maintain our poise even during difficulties.
I would like to give an example: Does a mother think her child’s mischief a source of woe? On the other hand, she is ready to sacrifice anything for the child’s sake because the child’s mere presence is a source of joy. Similarly we must face our karmic difficulties with joy and we shall emerge the victors.
Thus our mother who is God remains happy as He has infinite patience while dealing with the numerous pranks and question of His child. It is wrong to say God is angry with me because of my wrong acts. I repeat God does not punish. Our difficulties appear as we punish ourselves .As we sow so we reap. This is Divine Law. If we accept this we must realize during periods of happiness that difficulties will follow automatically. We should face these calmly too. I would say ‘Use this as opportunity to change your way of living for the better so you reduce your karma’.
{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #35


I felt a clarification was necessary. Though it seems an ordinary question, you need to give it deep thought. When we begin our search for God, is it not the body we first need to control? The answer is easy. Yes, it is the body and your senses you first need to control. The pleasures perceived through the sense of taste, sight, hearing, touch must be kept within bounds. What can help you in this? Your mind is what can help you. You must control your mind completely and consistently.
Though we know that something is not good to eat, we eat it and suffer the consequence. A person suffering from excess fat, knows that fatty food is harmful. If his mind were strong, this would not happen. To achieve this state, the mind has to be strengthened, made consistent and brought within control. This is the answer. If the mind is brought within our control, the body will also be brought under control.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #34

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 16-01-2008

The question asked today, “Who is the Supreme One?”-“What is the path to reach Him”.
The answer like the question is easy and difficult. When you say ‘One’ it is clearly in the singular. But who is the ‘One’? This is difficult. ‘One’ refers to the God who is the origin of all creation. He is Truth, Purity, Immaculate and we can go on with other adjectives. But this is not the question. How can anyone reach the Supreme One? First understand where He is. As a first step we must believe that He is in all things and also within each of us. Hence the answer follows that to achieve the Supreme One within us, we must go inward in search of Him. Till here it is easy. After this start the problems. There is no easy path. To go inward and to constantly turn our mind inward, we cannot pay attention or be interested in external things. If we should not focus on the outward, we need discipline and we need to believe that all that is outside is temporary. We must always remember that it is the Supreme One alone who is permanent and eternal. Hence I would say to the extent possible let us turn our mind inward.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri K V nayayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #33

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 20-12-2007

I heard a strange question “While a person is on the spiritual path should he or she show affection to their family?” This is indeed strange because I have repeatedly said “Anbe Sivam” (Love is Lord Shiva). Every living being deserves to be loved. I have never said do not show your love to your family. The love you show to your family is what you should show towards the world. You must love all living things. The true spiritual state is when you are able to show the same quality of love to the world that you show your kith and kin.
Sometimes a person does not understand this and feels that if he shows his love openly it will obstruct his or her spiritual progress. On the contrary if he abstains from showing love it might even lead him to the lower worlds. Let us remember that our very existence is because of God’s love for us. We must learn to share this with all those around us. If we make it our ambition and aim to love all living things, this in itself means victory for us!
Till the day of the Tamil New Year there is a likelihood of distressful incidents taking place. If we do not want them to affect our nation we must pray for universal happiness. We must chant ‘Om Namah Sivaya’ 108 times every Monday and surrender the good effects of the prayer towards the welfare of the world.

{Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #32

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 22-11-2007

Here I would like to answer the question, “Is God cruel enough to punish us? It is not God but you who are punishing yourselves. If we were aware that God is within us and is guiding and protecting us, we would not be making any mistakes would we? Being ignorant of this we do wrong and suffer the consequences. God’s role is reduced to that of just being a witness. We should understand the importance of this and strive to let God rule from within us. We should remember that with God as a constant witness we should neither do any wrong nor should we entertain any negative thoughts. If we adopt this as our way of living, suffering will be reduced and we will be in such a comfortable state that we may wonder “What was the punishment?”

(Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine Message given to and read by Guruji shri. K V Narayanan)