Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #54

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 08-06-2010

Though there is no specific question to be addressed, I find there is something lacking in those who come here. I find that even when everything turns out well for them because of God’s grace, those who benefit fail to show their gratitude. On the other hand when they come across obstacles they moan “Why is God not helping me?” Though this is a typical human weakness, those who wish to traverse the spiritual path have to believe wholeheartedly that everything that happens is according to the will of God. If you do not believe this it will be difficult to walk in the spiritual path. We know that it is true that without the God’s grace not even an atom can move. Everything that happens is according to God’s will for it is He who created the entire universe. All living creatures live according to His will. Every single thing that happens is caused not only because He wishes it but also so that the residual effects of our karma (mun vinai) are cleared. We must always remember this. I repeat this constantly since I see your eagerness to progress on the spiritual path. It is regrettable that you are not ready to make the necessary sacrifices. Please correct this. Do not stop with lip service to the belief that “Everything is His doing.” I want you to strengthen your faith by showing it in your day to day life. Take this as advice-not criticism. Otherwise you have only a cloak of spirituality and not true spirituality. You could call it “Pseudo Spirituality”
Please avoid this. Even though what we have of knowledge may be just a fistful, such knowledge should be deep and complete. This is my advice. Even if you cannot reach the pinnacle of spiritual progress in this birth, I shall comfort you by saying you can do so through several births. So do not feel dejected. Every human being is destined to get moksham or liberation in one birth or another.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #53

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 12-05-2010

There seems to be a question asked here which evokes humor: “Is a dog so very lowly? Is dog not within this creation of His?” This comes from a proverb which translates “If you see the dog you don’t see the stone. If you see the stone you fail to see the dog”. “What does it mean?” they wanted to know. “Must you hit a dog when you see it?” Such is not the case.
The explanation behind this is that a well made stone statue of a dog when perceived by a child, would seem like a dog. The fact that it’s being made of stone does not matter to the child. He or she relates to it as they would to a live dog. However the sculptor focuses on the quality of the stone and the finish. He does not perceive it as live. Parallel to this you will find in the Thirumandiram a verse in Tamil that includes the line “Marathil Maraindhidhu Maamatha yanai”. This is the true meaning. It does not mean you should hurt a dog.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #52

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 15-04-2010

I am going to reply a question that has been asked: “When seeking spiritual wisdom or enlightenment is there anything from which we need to abstain?” The answer depends on your spiritual level. When a person seeks God and wishes to realize his soul’s state, it is the discipline that is necessary, not abstinence. The one who has renounced the world and become an ascetic seeker thus needs to practice complete abstinence. This has been the rule. The issue is that sometimes those in the position of a guru do not practice complete abstinence. I would say that Gothra rishis are examples of this. I can see the basic reason behind this question are some recent incidents that have taken place. Whichever way this may be, the person who guides others must see that he adheres completely to what should be his path. He must practice what he preaches. These are normal rules to be followed. I would not advice abstinence to those present here. Living with discipline along with praying while following the spiritual path, will soon lead to enlightenment.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #51

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 23-01-2010

Here is reply to a question asked: “They say when a person does not live up to his promise it is like writing on water. What does it mean?” We know that anything written on water disappears instantly. False promises too are meaningless. Though the obvious meaning is clear, I would like to give another clarification. When divine grace is combined with ‘neer’ it becomes ‘thiruneer’ or vibuthi. Anything written in thiruneer becomes very powerful and effective (Anything done with God’s blessing). However numerous the zeros you may write, they gain value only the number one is written beside them. Similarly only when Divine grace is combines with anything is it of lasting effect.
Remember this and think deeply on it. Everything is just a big zero unless it is accompanied by Divine grace. Our aim must be to always to pray to Them and praise Them. Brahmam or the Supreme One is represented in whichever the form of God you worship.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #50

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 06-10-2009

A small explanation: be sure of this-nothing is permanent. The life of every human being, born the normal way, has to come to an end. Please remember this always. There is no escaping this. Those who come must go. The diseases and ailments you suffer are God-given. He shows us the advantage of earning Moksham or reaching a state beyond re-birth by giving us difficulties. You can understand this, can’t you? So do not worry unnecessarily about sufferings. Instead pray that those who have died may reach God soon.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #49

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 08-09-2009

I would like to give an explanation. “Neelan is a cruel person”-I have heard many say this. They believe that he can only cause harm. They also feel that when worshipping him, you should stand on his side and never directly in front of him. I felt I should tell you the truth about all this. Neelan or Saniswara Bhagawan is a God. He is not harmful. Among the planets he is considered to be the wisest. Lord Saturn alone has the name title ‘Easwaran’ attached to his name. It is to help you overcome your bad karma from a previous birth that he comes during allocated periods in your astrological chart. If you contemplate on this you will realize that the role He plays is for your benefit. I have also observed that people ignore his title of Easwaran and use the first part of his name while scolding or criticizing others. This amounts to blasphemy.
Be careful as soon as you say his name in a wrong way you will be drawing his attention to yourself and you will make an otherwise compassionate God give you further punishments along with your existing karma. So please do not call his name in vain when you scold others.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #48

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 12-08-2009

I shall hurry to a question that has been asked. “Recently innocent young children and infants have become victims of cruel ailments and have died”. I have been hearing, “Has God no mercy?” They ask this question only because of Maya. If we have birth we must have death. The parents are experiencing the fruit of their karma. In some other birth if they had separated children from their parents or treated them cruelly or kidnapped or stolen them they have to experience this suffering now. My words may seem hard to accept but this is the truth. Contemplate and evaluate just how much suffering the earth can take. If you say I know nothing about Maya and the accompanying factors it is because you have not realized the real truth. There is no exception. You are not taking the soul into account and are thinking only of your physical self, I note with regret. Still it is a situation that causes pain. We need to consider how to escape this situation. Let us not get into futile arguments.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #47

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini pooja 16-07-2009

There is something I would like to clarify: What does it mean to say ”Kadai thenga vazhi pillayarkku”. It is simple. Some of us use what we have got from others in our personal worship of God. This is not right. Give it to God out of what you have saved from your earnings. In this Kaliyugam there are some who do wrong but complaisantly feel “Though I have made some mistakes God will protect me”. Others say, “It is evil people who have the day because they never seem to face any punishment”. This is not so. Surely while watching your movies you have noticed some of the dialogues; you have heard people say: God will cease to help and protect those who are continually doing something wrong. Good people may have to face tests, but He will never leave them unprotected. Young people who wish to take shortcuts and seek benefits by going the wrong way will only reap suffering.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #46

Gurunather’s Divine Message—Ashwini Pooja-28-03-2009I heard a question here. “Of how many kinds are the intentions of human beings to achieve mukthi?”

I would say that as far as I know there are three groups. First the ones who desire to attain mukthi but do not put in the necessary effort. This is the ordinary level. Next, there are the ones who put in slight efforts towards achieving this end. They too are of a somewhat ordinary level. Thirdly there are those who are filled with a burning desire to achieve mukthi and put in an equal effort. This will certainly lead them to the mukthi state
There is not much I can add to this because achieving mukthi and gaining liberation from the cycle of births depends on each individual’s efforts. The success we achieve will be according to the degree to which we increase and intensify our efforts. This I personally know and wish to convey to you.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #45

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 01-03-2009

I would like to mention couple of things. I too heard your Guru’s talk on how a disciple should approach a Guru. It was good. Only I would add that faith is also an important trait. You trust that in the future you will get what you desire. If you are correct in your behavior towards your guru, he will bless you accordingly. You should believe that because of your complete faith in your guru you will receive all that necessary.
“Live according to your intentions”. This means always have good thoughts or intent. If your intentions are bad then automatically bad results will follow. Therefore always have good intentions and thoughts.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}