Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #64

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 02-05-2011

I was a little amused and surprised to hear a person in this Kali saying “Anything can be achieved with physical power”. Instead of that I would say “The person who achieves anything with his physical strength will one day face defeat because of the same strength”. Doesn’t today’s incident make this clear? There is an old proverb, “The one who resorts to the sword will die by the sword” (Vallai eduthavan Vallal Azhivan). There is no doubt that this definitely happens. It is God’s law that the one who destroys or causes harm to others with his threats and physical strength will one day surely fall victim to the same kind of strength. It is said in English for every action there will be reaction. It is impossible to escape from this.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #63

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 05-04-2011

I would like to reply to the question of a person who was little irritated and seemed disheartened when he asked me, “Does the path of spirituality allow no comforts?” I have already mentioned that the ordinary kind of happiness or comforts is of a temporary one. When you come to the spiritual path you must let go of these one by one. You must understand this is the real situation. It is true that God has created this world with all its comforts for our sake. However you must stop and think, “From where have we come?” Do you feel you must return to this same place? If so, the reality is that you must leave this world and go there. This is the ultimate truth. Such being the case, you need to become independent of the pleasures and comforts of this world. Since many are unable to do this it becomes impossible for them to progress on the spiritual path. What you need to understand and practice is that you have to feel detachment towards all to which you are attached. Tell yourself when even this physical frame is going to be left behind, surely everything else is of little consequence (a mere plaything)! Even these, I declare, have to be left behind! This is the universal truth I would declare.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #62

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 09-03-2011

Today I heard two persons ,each saying to the other: “My religion is better than yours”. “Yours is not better than mine”. Such discussions are a mere waste of time. Religious fanatics are like elephants who due to a temporary state of mental imbalance caused by an ailment, lose control over themselves. (This is termed as matham). Such people are comparable to these elephants that see all persons as potential enemies and attack them in a frenzy. Such is the mental state of religious fanatics who hit out at people of other religions. This is a kind of madness that goes against religion. I would like to say problems should not be created with religion as a basis. Please henceforth do not ask such questions here. The person who asked this question-please take it out of your mind.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine Message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #61

Gurunathar’s Divine message Ashwini Pooja 13-01-2011

As I enjoyed joy and happiness a question reached my ear, “Which is greater, the temple or the God within?” : a disappointing question.
God’s power existed long before any temple was built. So temples are not more important. As I have mentioned before similar to the white stick that supports the blind temple support the spiritually blind. Proportionate to the depth and the quality of our prayers is our soul energy that strengthens and contributes to the form of God. This is simple to understand is it not? The power that is radiated and the fame of a temple depends on the holy chakram embedded there. It is mankind that has made this arrangement. God and Divinity have always been there much before man devised this plan of building temples. So it is the Divinity that is superior to temples.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #60

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 17-12-2010

I would like to answer a question: “What does it mean to say ‘Stand aside a little and observe’?” It means just be a witness to all that is happening. Though this is a little difficult, if you make the effort, little by little it will become possible. First realize “I am not limited to this physical body”. Next tell yourself, “Nothing that has happened affects my real Self” This is so because the soul is outside what you are experiencing. This may not be easy but start by making this your attitude in small issues. Then move on to more complex and challenging experiences. Even when you become ill you should say “Nothing is happening to the real me”. And develop the necessary strength of mind and patience. Just this one practice will help you grow in spirituality.
You must fully believe “Nothing happens because of my individual effort. Everything is by His will and blessing”. If you feel “I am doing this and it is by my service everything is happening”, it shows the presence of ego. You must get rid of this. For even an atom cannot move without the will of God. This is the absolute truth. Once you realize this you will grow in spiritual stature. Most importantly, learn to be a witness to all that is happening. This is the best attitude you can adopt for everything. You will find in a court case the witness is the one least affected.
You will enjoy peace of mind if you practice this in your day to day life. Witness everything-do not become involved emotionally or mentally. Keep telling yourself “This is not happening to me” and be objective and detached while going through life.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #59

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 19-11-2010

I would like to answer a question. It is a special as well as a significant one-“Can the soul grow?” You need to think deeply about this. It is the physical form alone that is subject to change. For example, the paint on a wall fades away after some years. For the soul there is no such change because when the soul comes to the earth it is pure and does not need change. Along with time and experience it is the body or physical form that contains the soul which is subject to change.

Next, I notice something general amidst people. I heard some saying: “what does God do for us?” This is said by people who enjoy comforts and makes me a little sad. If we look at the other section of people, we find that though they are in hardship they do not complain. I think that it is very low of people who have a better shelter, enough money to live by, and always enough food to eat feel a sense of grievance. IF this is how they feel, why do they go to temples and pray? This is only a charade they put up to earn fame and the respect of those around them. This should be avoided. You have been created in the perfect form of a human, been given the power to walk, and even talk to others about your happiness and distress. Still you find fault with God. If you continue to do this, you will lose your privilege to be born as a human being in your next birth. You must keep this in your mind and not feel bad that I mention it. You do not want to go to lower levels in the coming births do you? It is to avoid such a situation that I advice you so.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திரத்தில் குருநாதர் கருத்துக்கள் #58

25-9-2010 அன்று நடந்த அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திர பூஜையில் குருநாதர் கூறிய கருத்துக்கள்:

ஆத்மா சுதந்திரமாக இருக்க வேண்டுமென கூறினால் ஆன்மீக பாதையில் செல்வோருக்கு ஏன் பல கட்டுப்படுகள் விதிக்கப்படுகிறது?

சுதந்திரம் என்பது அடக்கம் இல்லை கட்டுப்பாட்டிலிருந்து விடுதலை என்பதே பொருள் ஆத்மா விடுதலை பெற வேண்டும் என்றால் ஐம்புலன்களின் பிடியிலிருந்து விடுதலை பெறுதல் வேண்டும் என்பதே பொருள். இத்தகைய நிலையில் ஆத்மா உண்மையாக சுதந்திரம் பெற வேண்டும் என்றால் தானாக சுயமாக சில கட்டுப்பாடுகள் விதித்து ஐம்புலன்களின் பிடியிலிருந்து ஆசாபாசங்களிலிருந்தும் தப்பித்து விடுதல் வேண்டும்.

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #57

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 29-08-2010

I found someone asking the question: In Hinduism, why do the different forms of God have serpents with them? I have revealed this once before but I shall mention it again. The serpent symbolizes the Kundalini energy coiled at the base or Mooladhara centre of the human spine. If we want to reach Godhood we have to activate this energy take it to the crown chakra and bring it under control. This is why it is depicted as connected to the Gods in various manners. For Maha Vishnu the serpent is His seat. For Lord Shiva he wears it coiled around his neck. For Lord Ganesha it girdles His waist as part of His clothing. We see the serpent being controlled by the Gods, which ever the image. If we want to reach elevated states and come closer to Divinity we have to tap this shakthi within us, take it upwards to the Sahasrara(or crown) and establish it there firmly. This is how you should understand the images.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #56

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini P00ja 02-08-2010

I would like to explain something. People of various spiritual levels seek out Siddhars and ask them many questions. They say they find that the replies they get are not very clear in their meaning. Generally the language of Siddhars has its own distinctive dictionary. They have not been sent to earth for the purpose of solving human problems. Each of them has his or her own individual path to seek God and their own salvation (they help others out of their personal compassion). Those who go to them with their troubles anticipate that the solutions will be handed to them on a platter according to their expectations. In the Siddhar state the language they use is somewhat indirect and based on wisdom or universal truth. It contains a deep meaning. The listener has to understand what it implies and follow the clues given. It is for him to interpret what is said and act in complete obedience.
So dear friends, do not feel that you sought the help of a Siddhar only to be disappointed. You should go to him with an open mind and without expecting specific answers. you must understand Siddhars and ascetics are not astrologers. Undoubtedly Siddhars know astrology. But above this they are also able to perceive aspects such as previous births, karmic states, and residues, sins of previous births, the resultant punishments and curses. It is a truth that only those who are deserving will benefit from their guidance. However by going back to them repeatedly and praying you will get the inner strength and ability to understand them and undoubtedly good things will result. In the company of the holy and wise ones do we not gain wisdom and learn a little? Through our association with Siddhars we gain knowledge and wisdom and through these peace and progress.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #55

Gurunather’s Divine Message Ashwini pooja 06-07-2010

There is a question I would like to specially refer to: “We speak of ‘dhanams’ or kind of charity when we give food, clothes, expenses for education, marriage or funeral rites. Is there some charity of even more value than these?”. Dedicating the effects or results of any pooja to the betterment of those who are ill or in difficulties is of more value. However, there are few who do this.

The mistake some make is to always seek some benefit for themselves as a result of the poojas. I shall give you a solution for this: Allocate one day in a month to dedicate the effects of your worship towards someone who is ill . If you do so, they will certainly benefit
from this. This type of dhanam can be practiced with ease from one’s mind without any financial investment. This is a good dhanam. Get accustomed to practicing this.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}