Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #43

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 19-03-2009I

would like to add something to what has already been said by my chosen representative (Guruji). I would like to clarify what constitutes faith in God. Many still do not quite understand what it is. If you talk about faith in your guru you should have complete trust in all that he says. In that case as an individual , you will have nothing to worry about. Your physical self, life and wealth are surrendered at His feet. What is left for you? If you do this it is total surrender and this in itself is faith. So I tell you that when you have such an attitude, the guru’s comfort comes before yours. I also say once you have given him everything he will also decide how it is to be used. Do not go to him and ask, “What should I do?” because you will find your self in a quandary if he tells you to do something beyond your capacity.When you decide on a specific course of action do not go to your guru and act as if you are asking his guidance. His opinion should not be a second opinion.(It must be the only one). Once you have asked him you must follow what he says. If you fail to do this you are spoiling your relation with Him.

I come forward to say this now because your guide my chosen representative has not specified this. Wholehearted and total obedience and respect for your guru is necessary. There will always be a meaning behind what he does. When he tells you to do something it is to change your state of karma. So remember that it is for your good. If you believe that everything that happens to you has a reason then you must also believe that his words are the truth. Whatever you do, always keep this in mind.
Do not keep asking him to do small things for you. He knows what you need. He will see that your need is satisfied at the proper time. Do not doubt this. Can you maintain this kind of discipline? Otherwise think of him as a great person whom you have had the privilege to meet and go your way. As I say this I see there are some who are frowning. Still this is the truth.
Those who can adhere to the strict guidelines deserve to ask for a upadesam. As a disciple you might find him prescribing certain austerities as punishment. There is a big difference between a bhaktha and a disciple. A bhaktha deserves whatever blessings he gives them. I would also like to say for those who opt only for his blessings they are in a happy comfortable position, because there is no limit to his blessings. Like a waterfall, the blessings will fall upon them constantly.
If you are a seeker of God you are a disciple. If a disciple does something wrong he will have to face the consequences. You have always known this. Keeping all this in mind, decide what you are capable of doing and then come to me. Only then can you approach me.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #42

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 23-01-2009

I heard a question here, “What is the source of all my troubles?” I have explained this number of times. Still, I shall repeat it in one word, “Expectations”. If we try to introspect we shall find that expectations form the basic reason for our desires, emotional attachments and undesirable thoughts. When we are without expectations, there is no grief, no sense of defeat or disappointment; nor do we feel cheated. I have understood this.
Such being the case I feel that it is important to learn to live without any expectations. With God’s grace we can have faith without expectations. We will believe all that happens to us is His action and by His grace. A person who achieves this can easily reach the feet of God. Though it is not a big achievement, it is a difficult one. If we begin to look for such people, we will find that they are very rare. It is because it is difficult to be part of human society and yet live without expectations that people went away to forests and wilderness.
Those of us, who live in the world with families, should throw out the wrong expectations and have only the correct ones; then you will see God.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #82

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 29-10-2012

Today I am reiterating what I normally state: when we surrender everything at the feet of the Divine there is no need to have any fear. If a person can achieve a high state of meditation he or she will be beyond the influence of the planets. This is my advice. I would say that there is no need to fear.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #81

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 05-09-2012

I found some have become confused due to my earlier advice. Some find it difficult to start the prayer with “Ennakul Irrukum Iraiva (The God within me)”. You can change it to your individual liking. For example, you can add the prefix Atma to your name or otherwise imagining your favourite God to be inside you and put ‘Atma’ as prefix for example: ‘Atma Deva’ or ‘Atma Devi’. Otherwise say “Ennakul irrukum ishta deivam (The name of favourite Deity within me)”.There is nothing to get confused about. Everything will become all right.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #80

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 12-07-2012

I would like to answer a general question about destructibility. Someone asked “What is it that can never be destroyed?” “Are the five elements destructible?” First we take the five elements. As long as they are within their individual boundary life (which is external) exists within the physical body. When the five elements separate the body no longer exists. Next we must understand that the five elements have a quality of destroying one another. Water especially can put out fire. Fire also can dry water up. Wind can put out fire or help it spread. We say our physical body is in a healthy condition when the five are able to exist together in harmony. However, when the soul parts from the physical body we say that the body has begun to decay or be destroyed. After the moment of death the same five elements contained in the body begin to separate from one another.

What is external or beyond destruction? Beyond doubt it is Divinity or God.
When the soul separates from the body it no longer experiences suffering. Nothing is added to it where it goes to join the Eternal One. Lord Sadasivam who is beyond all likes and dislikes is eternal. I hope this gives you all clarity.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #79

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 15-06-2012

I would like to explain something here. As always there is a person with doubts who has asked this oft repeated question “If life means living out our karma what then is the role of God?” I have mentioned this before. However since it has not been understood, I shall explain once again. Please realize that it is not God but you alone who are responsible for your karma. Also it is human beings alone (amongst God’s creation) who need to experience the results of their karma. Therefore you need to have the personal strength to experience the effects of your karma. What then is Gods role here? To survive and emerge victorious through the experiences brought about by your good and bad karma, God gives you great physical and mental strength. It is for that you need to worship God. It is not for God to forgive your past deeds or negate your effects or take on your karma .To ask this of God is a failing of human nature. You must change this. Instead I would tell you, be grateful to be able to understand God’s true nature. Be grateful for the opportunity to dispose of your karma by understanding the Supreme One for what He is and thank him for it.
It is to emphasize this that I have begun the message with a thanks giving prayer in which I refer to His creating, protecting , nurturing and then taking me back. Please take note that there is no mention of karma here. Karma has no part in Divinity or the highest spiritual level. When you understand this completely, you will be able to improve in every way; I would like to assure you. The one side of this is (God’s) forbearance and patience. If you ask who is the one who has to be tolerant? Importantly, it is God who has to put up with your mistakes. He has to tolerate all your sins. Do you think this is commendable? Secondly as you commit sins, those who are with you have to tolerate the effects. Surely God is not the cause for this? When they suffer due to your acts, it is possible that they curse you. You have to bear the additional suffering from their curses. It is God who gives you the strength to tolerate this. He gives you the power to introspect and recognize your flaws. So I advise you to identify your flaws and eradicate them.

Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #78

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 18-05-2012

I would like to repeat that without devotion nothing can be achieved. In spirituality the foundation is devotion and devotion alone. If there are flaws, it is because of individual sloth or laziness and is very wrong. If I find anybody like this, withdrawal from them will be the best policy. If anyone who volunteers to do something commits mistake, it will be considered a major wrong. If the work that has been done for some years goes waste, it will take one year to set it right. Remember this and act on it.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #77

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 21-04-2012

There is something I would like to say. In spirituality they ask “What is it that should be foregone and what is to be acquired?” Though it is not necessary to go into detail, to some extent I would like to share what I know. Firstly, If you consider what must be foregone it is all evil that should be given up. There is actually a law stating this I would like to say here. There are no exceptions to this rule. Next, all desires must be given up. A desire to reach God is the only exception. Thirdly, all anger, frustration and motives related to the gratification of the five senses must be eradicated. The only exceptions regarding this are to a small extent food and drink.
What we should acquire is very clear. First the right knowledge which leads to wisdom; which in turn leads to the Divine Grace we seek and this ultimately leads to Mukthi or Liberation. This is the order in which it comes. Once your mind is free of the aforesaid negative qualities it becomes available to be immersed in these good qualities. There will be a glow in one’s appearance when one reaches this state of bliss. You will find your mind is steady and is constantly in a state of bliss. This is what is behind the spiritual philosophy of of “foregoing and acquiring”.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #76

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 25-03-2012

I can see a question put before me:” In spite of all the grace that is showered on us here why am I still facing difficulties?” Dear friend I have explained this several times before. I shall do so again for your sake. Individual difficulties when taken in the correct perspective are due to some karmic reasons. Accordingly you have to live through this experience whatever the problem before it comes to a close. (Guruji explains that karma’s are often mitigated through steadfast prayers and sadhana). Even a Mahan or great soul has to experience Karma. Because of this you will see people suffering, facing problems, being cruel to one another and having to face natural disasters. All this is happening now. If you wish to know about our nation in particular She is close to completing her karma. However there are countries that will go downhill and even get destroyed. This is because of their accumulated karma.
In addition to this there is the karma of the Yuga. Since this is coming to a close, the Satya Yuga is going to begin. Regarding this, what do you need to do now? As far as possible do only good and avoid harming any one. I would say you must be steadfast in achieving this.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #75

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 27-02-2012

There is something I would like to reveal to you. Though the question may be an ordinary one, I feel the answer is of much consequence. “Though we may have much faith in God why sometimes do our plans face many hurdles and obstacles and when they fail cause us distress?” This is the question. I tell the concerned person who has asked this question “God’s mercy is great. At times the arrangements we have made are not suitable for us and cause our troubles. They later cause us distress. It is to prevent this God in His mercy gives us distress temporarily and happiness eventually.
On the other hand, some get opportunities and fail to use them properly only because they don’t fit with what they have already planned. This gives them much sadness. I assure you in such a situation think of whatever is offered to be nothing less than God’s grace and you will find that everything will happen for the good”.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}