Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #22

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 23-11-2006

In response to the question as to which is the more satisfactory path to reach God- the Yogic method or the Bhakthi Marga, I responded as follows: “This is according to each individual’s capacity. This consists of (1) Your Physical strength (2) whether you have the time to put in intense effort (3) Your karmic state and the spiritual level attained in your last birth.

If one has to travel, he travels by plane or train, bus or even by walk according to his financial standing. Similarly the path you choose depends on your spiritual standing. You do not need to make any special effort to find it out. Whatever is destined for you, accept it wholeheartedly and be steady in your efforts and strive for success. Follow this path, and you will succeed.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #21

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 27-10-2006

I would like to contribute something extra. In the present state of the world human beings have a particular habit. If others are in a good state, they want to reach the same state and even become a little envious of them. I would like to say that this should be avoided. We should convert this tendency into a positive one. We must see the virtues in others. And if we don’t have them we must inculcate them in our lives. This is not sufficient. See if we have the bad qualities of others, we must remove them from our personalities. This is the proper utilization of the practice of comparison. If you must fall prey to this habit convert it into positive one. These days much importance is attached to wealth, intellectual prowess and social status and these influence the comparisons that are made. This is something undesirable. Little by little you must change this habit and instead try to become better human beings by positive comparisons.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #20

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 29-09-2006

A person keeps asking a question, “To what gender does God belong and how should we worship Him?”

Let us note that every human being has a male and a female aspect to his or her personality. The male aspect contributes steadiness of mind and peace and the female aspect contributes strength, desire and action. This applies to everybody. I have mentioned before sometimes woman become aggressive and do the jobs that can normally done by men. Similarly men sometimes maintain silence, or cry or weep and withdraw into themselves. This is due to the feminine quality of their personalities. Where God is concerned there is no gender–He is above this. God cannot be restricted to a set of qualities, desires or wishes. He is pure absolutely completely pure! The name ‘Suddha Sivam’ describes this well. If this is so, why do we give God male and female forms when we worship Him? This is not God’s handiwork. He chooses to reveal Himself and bless us in the forms that mankind has given to him through their imagination.

There is another traditional doubt that arises in men’s minds. Is Lord Shiva superior to mother Shakthi or is it Goddess Shakthi who is superior to Lord Shiva? The reality is God is within each of us. How then do we perceive God within us? Since we have male and female qualities God is both Mother and Father in the female and male qualities of each person. Which form you worship is your individual choice. You worship God in the form you like best and He will appear to you in that form. There is no confusion in this. However I will emphasis that God has no gender.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #19

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 02-09-2006

I would like to answer some questions that have been asked, especially one particular question. Of the several modern proverbs I pick one “Adi Udavathu pole annan thambi udava matan” If there is really such a proverb can someone justify causing physical harm?It is easy to understand if we realize that the term ‘Adi’ does not refer to a physical blow dealt with a stick or hand , but the term ‘Thiru Adi’ refers to the divine feet of the Omnipotent Lord we worship. If you worship the feet of the Lord,nothing can be as effective – not even your own siblings can help you as much as the Lord. Another recent proverb, “ Kalil Kandal Nayai Kaanom. Nayai Kandal Kalai Kaanom”. (If you see the dog, you cannot see the stone, and if you see the stone you cannot see the dog). This too I have explained earlier- “Marathil Maraindhidhu Mamathai Yaanai”

When children see a sculpted dog they will respond with enthusiasm perhaps happiness for they are reminded of the joy that a live dog can bring and for the moment forget that it is only lifeless stone. At the same time the sculptor is only interested in the excellence of his skill – how well he has carved the stone – are there no flaws in it? And thus fails to enjoy seeing it as perhaps a child might. Hence it is the individual’s way of thinking that colours what he sees.
An example in English, is a story of the blind men who on touching and feeling an elephant formed very different impressions of it. One felt he was like a pillar another felt he was like a tree . Though their perspectives were different all their impressions were of the same animal this is my explanation.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #18

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 06-08-2006

“It is said that the Seer the object seen and the act of seeing is one”. What is the meaning of this? What the quotation seeks to convey is God is in everything. The mantra “Aham Brahamasmi” conveys that the individual soul is one with God. This quotation is one step above this : We perceive God not only in our individual soul but in everything around us. The inner meaning is that we must show compassion to all creation. We must show affection. This is a little difficult in Kaliyugam. Inspite of this we must see God in everything around us. We must see that all that happens to us is the Divine will of God. Then we shall be saved from being confused and ultimately reach a higher state of awareness.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #17

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 09-07-2006

Since the climate has become hotter the question arises is “Who is responsible for bringing rain?”. “Is it Varuna Bhagawan?”. I do not fully agree with this. If we think deeply it is the Sun God who has given us rain. It is He who causes the water to evaporate ,form clouds and comes down as rain at different places. Then why is it that inspite of the heat there is a shortage of rain? It is simple – rain goes to the places where law of Dharma or righteousness is upheld. I will give some small examples. Even today the worship conducted at temples in ‘Parsurama Shetram’ is according to the rules of the Agamas . Rain is always present there. Secondly, since several years poor feeding (Anna dhanam) is being practiced in temples of Karnataka because of this rain is also present there. This shows the significance of doing Anna dhanam.

For sometime now even in this state (Tamil Nadu) the practice of Anna dhanam has been restarted and people have become more dedicated and devout in their worship. Hence rain will also occur here. I bless all those assembled here.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #16

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 12-06-2006

I heard several people mention the intensity of the summer heat. I ask “ Is this greater than the heat inside you?” I see everything inside you generating all kinds of heat which spoil the clarity of man’s thinking. How is this heat created? We can say that external heat is created by the sun. However there are several reasons for the tormenting heat inside us. This is not one but many suns inside us. The main cause is unnecessary expectations. Because of these man commits several mistakes. I am not pinpointing anybody here. It is only a generalization.

For instance, you start with expecting your child should be a son. If it turns out to be a daughter what sorrow! You feel she is going to cause the downfall of everybody around her. This is not so. In this Kaliyugam, it is woman who is superior to man.

The next expectation is telling your child what he or she should study. You do not think of the individual soul’s need. This is a major reason for discomfort. Thirdly, if he or she chooses a path different from what you have planned, once again what distress! Some parents become so upset they feel the purpose of their lives are lost.

A fourth expectation that can cause distress is the parents wanting to choose the life partner of the child. If the daughter says “I don’t like him”. Prompt comes the response “that doesn’t matter, he has property and earnings”. So several conflicts are created at home and arguments take place. The result is similar to an earthquake. When peace is lost you seek God’s help. You tell him:” I will perform an abhishekham will you give me peace?Here is a business deal – a contract in the making. The priest could tell you that God doesn’t need your abhisekham but he does not. According to him, if you give him a dakshina of two hundred rupees , God will forgive everything and anything. This becomes a continuous process in life itself.

Why is man’s relationship to God reduced to the level of a commercial transaction? Do you still feel that the sun’s heat is more than what you are experiencing within. This is not so. The sun’s heat can be reduced by the fan in the shade. But we cannot do so with the conflicts inside us. You must find a solution to this is will be my general opinion. I shall stop advising you now. Henceforth you must identify your problems and seek to solve them, and the guidance will come from a higher source.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #15

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Star 16-05-2006

I would like to explain something: “Why has the Supreme God who has been praised as the One capable of creating all goodness with all good intention also created evil?” I would like to reply, “Without evil how would you recognize or understand the concept of goodness? It is only after you have been scorched by the sun that you appreciate the coolness of shade. If I give you a coin you will see it has two sides. This is only natural. If there is good, there must also be evil. If there is no bad person, whom will you call good? Only when a person has suffered severe body pain will he realize the happiness of being without it. This is God’s wish. So if there is good there will be evil. Man’s superior intelligence helps him to discriminate and move away from evil. We move away from anything and refrain from any action that causes us unhappiness.

For example, we never consciously put our hand into fire. Thus we choose to avoid such evils. However, there are some pleasures or things that we think bring us happiness which if we introspect about, ultimately brings us unhappiness. So these are also to be avoided. As we become free of these, step by step we shall make good progress in life.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #14

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 19-04-2006

would like to convey something. I would like to clearly explain the state of “Motcham”. There are some misconceptions about this. I was astonished to hear a person describe Motcham as a heaven where all his desires would be granted and he would be in a state of bliss. This seems like a naive explanation. Another person described it as overcoming rebirth and reaching Godhood in heaven. This is also wrong. It is necessary to have an accurate definition and for this I am going to use a simple English word “Liberation”. Liberation in English means”Freedom”. Freedom from what? Generally there is a misconception that Motcham is liberation from the physical body. Even though the soul is liberated from the physical body, due to desires and attachments one has to be reborn. Therefore this is not Motcham. Motcham means the liberation from desires and attachments which bog us down in this life. The reasons which make us struggle are (1) Needles desires and bonds and (2) Emotional attachments. Once emotional attachment disappears the other desires decrease. If we would think about this we would want rebirth to satisfy unfulfilled desires. These do not help you to attain Motcham.If we renounce everything does it lead to Motcham? No, not even this. If we truly realize the connection between the Soul and the Being, this will lead to Motcham. When we contemplate this connection deeply, the two merge into one. (Aham Bhramasmi). This gives the complete explanation.Control and observation of breath, performing rituals or Homams do not in themselves lead to Motcham. Introspection is necessary. If we tune all our activities to our spiritual needs, this is freedom. When this is achieved, one can realize Motcham. Because from that moment onwards, one can be assured that he is released from the cycle of birth and death.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #3


I would like to give a general talk. This is not just my desire but also God’s desire.
Nowadays and especially with regards to those gathered here, tempers are lost without reason and without need. This is something I would like you to analyse. Generally it is because you have expectations. When these are not fulfilled people get angry and irritable. Even the Gods and I experience the reaction to this. When a person’s expectation is not satisfied, scolding others becomes a past time. Even then I do not attach much importance to this since the basic reason behind it is only non fulfillment of expectations. There is no specific limit to expectations. You should try to correct this flaw in your personalities.

If you lose a purse of money it may benefit someone, but if you lose your temper it helps no one. I observe, that because of anger many lose opportunities that come up which they would otherw ise have had. If you do not stop getting angry you will lose your mental peace and proportionately your desire to reach God.
If you see a reflection in a pool of water all it takes is two pebbles thrown in to cause a ripple that destroys the calmness of the water. Similarly your mental poise and spiritual progress is destroyed by anger. It is the request of God and myself to please avoid anger. By scolding others you increase your negative karma, lose opportunities and your mental peace. Another result is an increase in arrogance and ego.

Loved ones you must become determined to get rid of anger.
Be blessed! Be blessed! Be blessed!

(Translation of Gurunathar’s divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri. K.V.Narayanan)