Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #4


A person has asked about Vinayaka Chathurthi. We create an image of Vinayaka in clay and worship Him. After a few days we immerse the idol in water. Similarly during Dussera ,Durga Devi’s image is worshiped and later immersed in water; causing the devotees to shed tears on the occasion. The question is why is this practice followed and what could be its significance?
To explain this I will give you an example. When a child is born we understand or recognize the arrival of the soul by seeing the external form of the child. The child grows, goes through the various stages of education, marriage, having a family and finally passes away. With tears we perform ceremonies and through cremation or burial our physical bodies are returned to the elements. This provides the answer to your question. We do not worship the clay image. We worship the God represented by the idol. We worship for three days and immerse Him in water. The clay dissolves in the water representing the return of the five elements to their macro cosmic aspect.

However the divine presence is very much there and fills the atmosphere. This practice depicts the transience of life. The human body that consists of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether) disintegrates and mixes with the atmosphere and earth. The divine power that controls the five elements and holds them together (like the divine presence of God in the idols) will exist forever. This is a kind of play enacted to impress on us the temporary quality of our earthly life and the eternal existence of the soul.

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #41

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 27-12-2008

I would like to reply to a question. Please listen carefully to the question and answer which relates to desires and emotional attachments. I shall reply so you can understand it easily. Please listen carefully! To those who take the trouble to do so, I shall tell you that it is difficult to root out a desire completely. If we suppress it there is a chance of its raising its head again. I shall give you an illustration. If a spring is attached to a metal rod and you hold one end of it and pull it, it will stretch but as soon as you release it, it will go back to its initial position. (Here the metal rod is the mind and the spring is the desire). Similarly it is difficult to remove desires. So the only solution is to remove the spring completely from the rod. You must deal with the desire by eliminating the circumstances that created the desire. For example if you are addicted to something throw out the reason for your addiction from your person, home and avoid the company of those who have the same addiction. If you follow these rules I believe that you will be able to remove it. It may be a bit difficult but first identify these desires one by one and deal with them individually.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #40

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 16-07-2008

There is a reply to a question here.”How should I relate to God?”. I have mentioned this several times. There are several mental approaches to this. It is important to choose the method you are capable of handling. There are several ‘Bhavas’. You must choose the one most suited to your temperament and nature. You must not imagine that you can follow the Bhava that someone else has chosen. This would be a mistake. You must choose what comes easily and naturally to you. Once you have chosen this you must not swerve from it. Apart from this you will find that repeating God’s name makes you constantly think of God. Some feel that others make fun of them. If so don’t let this trouble you. Keep repeating His name and thoughts will be fixed on God unwaveringly. Everything we do will become a dedication to God. Hence every action becomes a divine action.
The work that is being done in common interest seems to be meeting with hurdles. The reason seems to be several in number. I remind you there is a time for everything. We must pray to God in our individual way and surrender the problem at His feet. The problem will be solved.
There are no negative vibrations related to building an establishment. The Gods will see to it that each problem is solved. Let your peace of mind continue.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #39

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 19-06-2008

Many have asked “What is the meaning of my life? What is the purpose behind it?”. The answer to this is simple but to implement it is difficult. The journey of each person is to seek the divinity within himself. God lives in each of us but we do not realize this. This body is the house where the Lord resides. If we were to explore the house (i.e. the body) we find (1) a roof (2) the main beam, (3) two cross beams (4) a floor and (5) walls containing this. In this house lives God. Still without understanding this we seek Him in the world outside us. Why does this happen? It is because our five senses functioning through the sense organs entangle us in a world of illusion (Maya) from which we can find it difficult to free ourselves.

Hence each of us must travel inward through introspection and meditation. We must practice this atleast for half an hour every day. If along with meditation you recite mantras I assure you without fail you will not only see and sense God you will also rise to a higher spiritual level.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #38

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 23-05-2008

I just want to speak to you about one’s identity. What does the word ‘I’ mean? Like others, I meditated on this for years. Each of you have to make strenuous efforts to reach this level. Already you may know just how difficult this is. I need not elaborate on it. Your identity has to shed its egoistic state and the resulting attitudes. From today onwards do not say “I did this”. The word, “I” shows arrogance and is untrue. It is apt to say, “We” instead of “I”. In every effort we make, every act we perform, God is with us. We must always remember this “Yam Kankinrom” (We perceive) is what an ascetic or gnani says because he is constantly aware of the presence of God. Mere lip service is not sufficient. You must wholeheartedly and completely believe that God is within you in every action. This is how you should be. In your mind you must accept ‘My action alone can achieve nothing’. Then you will find all is well and you will find peace’.
In these days of Kaliyugam whatever the money you spend, you cannot get peace. For this you must surrender all at God’s feet and accept that everything is done by God. This does not mean you become idle. Just as brother Sarvanan did today you must act without expectations. Everything will turn out well.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #37

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 25-04-2008

I heard a question. “What is a Gnani like? or How do we recognize one?”. I understood the inner meaning of the question. The person who asked the question was referring to ascetics or those who have renounced worldly things. I have mentioned this earlier. The answer is to live with detachment and great compassion. Though a Gnani may live with detachment his affection can be felt anywhere in the world. If you are looking for physical or external attributes he can have no special dress or even a pair of horns to help you identify him. As I have said before, he treats everyone he meets with the same concern. He removes dislikes, desires and wishes from his mind. He feels that God is the only wealth, the only happiness, that He alone is everything. He lives increasingly with this belief.

What do you have to do to reach this state? The answer is easy: do as he does. Practicing this is extremely difficult. Little by little leave out what you like in your food and other habits. When you cease to be a slave to these you get the power to do without everything else. The one who leaves behind the world with all its activities, does little by way of action and contemplates only on Lord Shiva, does not worry about his needs because God looks after them and everything else around Him. The Gnani has complete faith in this and knows how to surrender to God. What we need to understand is that total surrender is necessary. With total surrender , everything we need comes to where we are. If you begin to feel even a little doubt about this you cannot reach this state.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #36

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 29-03-2008I

would like to give you some advice: How does the voice inside us or intuition or conscience guide us on our spiritual path to reach God? While on the spiritual path, our intellect can guide us only to a certain extent. It is good to think and contemplate and decide on what we need to do to progress spiritually but this can help only to a certain level. Beyond this it is our intuition that needs to guide us.What is this intuition? This is the voice of God Himself within us! By listening to this voice we can reach the feet of God. How do we keep this voice alive within us? It is only by true and whole hearted devotion and love to God. Hence if our intellectual aspirations and ambition may form the foundation of our going to God, it can be completed only with the help of our intuition.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #35

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 01-03-2008

I would like to say something. The question is “How should we conduct ourselves to gain world peace?”. My reply is that, “No one should feel that any nation is exclusively his – that he alone has the right to love it. Similarly his love should not be limited only to his family. If you have love and affection for an individual, you must learn to feel the same towards all. All creation belongs to everyone and I too am part of this, and so I will show my love and affection to all”. If you adopt this attitude, peace will follow naturally. This is what I have observed and hence this is what I say.
Once again I explain, we must cease to identify ourselves exclusively with one religion or one nation and acknowledge instead the presence of God in every individual. You must not feel, “This is my family” and think instead, “This is God’s family”. Our love must supersede limitations of our family circle; it should spread to all society to go beyond the borders of our nation and spread to the whole world. If we practice this we shall gain general peace, social peace and world peace.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #34

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 07-01-2008

There is a question I would like to answer: “When you are on the spiritual path is it unnecessary to own things? Is the desire for ownership questionable? I think this is a very important question. In this Kaliyugam it is very difficult to live without any possessions. Therefore one can have a possession (for instance some property) but he must not become attached to it by thinking it indispensable. In the case of property ownership, he or she must not feel that acquiring property is the important aim of living. When we leave this earth we will be leaving all possessions behind. If we want the soul to have freedom and wish to attain Mukthi, possessions become unnecessary. Such being the truth, let us enjoy what we have as long as we have it and then when cease to have it let us move on. We must not feel sorry at the possibility of our losing any comforts we have. Having possessions is not wrong but we must always remember that we will be perfectly all right without them. If we do this we can progress on the spiritual path.

For instance a person on the spiritual path may enjoy the use of television and telephones but he or she must be ready to live without these comforts. My advice would be: enjoy it as long as it is there but do not miss it if it is not there.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar’s Message Moolam Star #33

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Moolam Pooja 11-12-2007

I would like to answer a question that has been asked : “Why is it that God’s grace doesn’t fall upon all equally?”. I would like say that the reply is inherent in the question just as the flaw it contains God’s grace and blessings fall upon all equally. But everyone does not realize this. When a light shines on a glass, if the glass is sparkling clean, the light shines brightly through; if opaque, only some of the light filters through and if it is dense all light is blocked. Similarly as pure as is a man’s spiritual state to that extent is he receptive to God’s grace; to that extent is he sensitive to the presence of Divine grace. God has no prejudices, no preferences nor favourites. Everyone has been created by Him. Everyone is His child. This being the truth there is no question of His giving happiness to one and woe to another. Then why do we have difficulties? As was mentioned before by me, they stem from the bundles of Karma that we have brought with us. There is one thing we must all understand. If we prepare ourselves suitably, we will find ourselves recipients of God’s grace.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}