Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #29

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja :01-09-2007

I would like to elucidate the difference between an ordinary person and a saint or ’mahaan’. What are their respective, typical qualities? There are no specific differences. Great people appear to be just like ordinary people. It is their attitudes that differ. A great spiritual person views every person he comes across with the same compassion. He does not evaluate people as ordinary people do. There is no limit to his love, and there is no particular recipient. It is indeed praiseworthy that he puts everyone – rich or poor, big or small on the same pedestal. There are no outward indications to identify a great person. He has neither claws nor horns to mark him out! He has however complete faith in God and an overpowering love for Him. As an individual he performs no miracles. Sometimes God makes him an instrument for His miracles. Only this quality makes a great spiritual person different from others.
The truth is God is present in every one of us. The person who realizes this completely sees that his actions are to the satisfaction of God and thus makes God happy. His life’s work is within the limits of all that makes God happy and all that God desires of us.

{Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #28

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 05-08-2007

I would like to elucidate something for you. Many feel that they pray to God in several ways and He does not bless them by removing their suffering.
The truth is we do not seek God in the way we should. When a mother calls to her child who has been playing in the dirt so she can clean him; he tends to run away from her. Similarly instead of seeking God we spend our time and attention focusing on the worldly obligations of living. The mother as God is always seeking us. Do not forget that it is we who keeps hiding away from Him! Just a way the child should surrender to the mother to get cleansed, we too should surrender to God to rid of us of our impurities. This is the sum of my explanation!

{Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #27

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 09-07-2007
Here is an interesting question, “Is it necessary to keep track of the number of times we chant a mantra?” Spiritually speaking, this is not necessary. Your mental concentration should be unwavering. This is more important than the number of times you repeat a mantra. However there are some who wish to gain super human powers (or siddhis) by chanting mantras. They pay particular attention to counting the number of times they chant them.
As a rule if a person chants a mantra one lakh and twenty five thousands they will gain spiritual powers. However they will not succeed in getting their aim if they fail to maintain their concentration even if they chant it five lakh times! For those who have come here, with the help of your devotion pay more heed to increasing your concentration and making your mind steady rather than counting the number of times you chant the mantra. Then you will find that a mantra chanted even a few times will yield good results.

{Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #26

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 11-06-2007

I have decided to answer a question someone has asked. “What is fear? How is it formed? How do we overcome it?”. This is the question.
First understand that fear is an attitude. It is the ghost that our own mind creates. On the whole there is no need for a human being to have any fear. If you introspect deeply about why a fear comes, you will find that it is because of the concept that this belongs to me it is mine. When we have the habit of thinking that this is my property, my relations, my children or even my life fears begin to form, and grow to the extent of taking complete control over our thinking. The anxiety or worry “will I lose this?” becomes a fear. There is a way of overcoming this. If you understand the Geetha well, you will know how to do this. “When I was born I brought nothing with me; when I depart I will take nothing with me”. What comes in the middle is given by God. Be clear about this. That is when you apply this to your life you will find that there is nothing you can lose or forfeit. When you know this there will be no fear or anxiety. To reach this mental state you need determination and a strong will. When you feel you have nothing to lose you will become courageous. This is method I have found to be practical.

{Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #25

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 15-05-2007

One of you has asked, “While we realize that the object of going through this birth is to realize God, how does obtaining siddhis help us in achieving this goal?

As I have mentioned before, performing siddhi cannot help us progress more than a step or two in our spiritual journey. If one has the power to fly it will not help him get liberated. The fact that birds can fly does not give them ‘moksham’. If by living in water we could reach God all the fish would be liberated after this birth. If by moving around in our natural state (without garments) we could reach God, all the wild animals in the forests would do so. But none of these are true, our conclusion is that none of these superior abilities by themselves help us reach God. Only a deep desire to reach God, deep faith, daily worship and a constant awareness of His presence lead us to Him.
Gurunathar Thirumoolar’s opinion about performing mental worship or imagining ourselves to be performing the physical acts of worship is that it is also of great value. He recalls that when Arjuna felt very complacent and proud about his having performed many pujas, Lord Krishna showed him that while his prayers had created only pile of leaves; Bhima’s simple ‘manasik’ offering of Vilva leaves to Lord Shiva had created a mountain. He thus destroyed Arjuna’s arrogance and established the importance of Manasika Pooja.

(Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திரத்தில் குருநாதர் கருத்துக்கள் #24

18-4-2007 அன்று நடந்த அஸ்வினி நட்சத்திர பூஜையில் குருநாதர் கூறிய கருத்துக்கள்:

இங்கு இறைநாமம் பாடிட பலர் பயப்படுகின்றனர். இங்கு இறைநாமம் கூற பலர் பயப்படுகின்றனர். அனைவரின் மனதிலும் பயம் உள்ளது பயத்தைவிட நாணமே (வெட்கமே) அதிகம் உள்ளது.

நல்துணை என்பது இறைநாமமே. நல்துணை என்பது நமச்சிவாயமே. நல்துணை என்பது இறையருளே. நல்துணை இதையன்றி வேறு ஒன்றுமில்லையே. இறைவனுக்கு கூட்டு பிரார்த்தனை செய்யும் காலங்களில் தியானம் செய்தல் வேண்டாம். தியானம் செய்ய வேறு நேரம் ஒதுக்கிக் கொள்ளுங்கள். தியானம் செய்ய நேரம் தனியாகவும் பூஜை செய்யும் நேரம் தனியாகவும் பிரித்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். இவ்வாறு சொல்வது உங்கள் மனது வருத்தப்பட அல்ல. நீங்கள் அனைவரும் மேன்மை அடைவதற்க்காக உங்கள் நாணத்தை போக்கிடவே அனைவரும் நலம் பெறுவதற்கே.

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #23

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 22-02-2007

I would like to explain a saying that someone has questioned here. “A Coconut sapling is better than your own child”. They used to say this those days. (There was such a reverence for the tree).Since someone asked me what it meant, I am explaining it in a simple manner. Something even God knows is that, when a child grows into an adult he is often unable to be of much use to his parents. On the other hand, if the sapling of a Coconut tree is nurtured well, it grows strong. The coconut when it is tender or ripe and all the other parts of the tree are useful to the one who has grown it. I would say we can also understand the inner meaning that what God has created is superior to what man has created.
One more advice, on full moon days this year you must go to the samadhis of great men and Siddhas. I would say, you could go to those at a convenient distance like behind the Moorthy of the Lord of Shirdi at Mylapore and the samadhi of Pamban Swamigal at the pilgrimage place of Thiruvanmayur. I would also like to remind you of the “Thambirans” who served Velavan (Lord Muruga) in an outstanding manner. Their samadhis are behind the Vadapalani temple. If you go and worship the samadhis, as per your preference on a full moon day in order to receive grace, your suffering due to the planets will reduce I say and I give you good blessings.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan)

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #22

Gurunathar’s Divine Message :Ashwini Pooja 26-01-2007

I have decided to answer a question. There is a proverb that translates if we feed another’s child; our child will grow on its own. “Annadhanam” is of great importance. When we focus on feeding needy children, our children are automatically blessed and grow well. Still this is not the complete meaning. Another’s child refers specifically to a pregnant mother and a child. If we look after her, our child who is within her will grow well. This proverb was given a spiritual inference when it was interpreted as other’s children. This is not wrong, yet the interpretation as a family member is the intended one.
“God knows everything about me, why should I make a specific request for my needs?” is the next question. As an example, take a home with ten children. If one child cries, we will turn and focus on that particular child, giving the child whatever it needs. Praying to God, for our individual needs serves the same purpose. There is nothing wrong in doing so. On the other hand, it is necessary.

{Translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #21

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 29-12-2006

It is my duty to tell you about the situation in the coming year of the English Calendar. Arrogance is going to play a major role in the coming year. Arrogance is not just individual but we also be seen between the Nations. However the basic cause for this is the individual arrogance. This will result in wars, bomb blasts, and much destruction due to fire. Though our country will not suffer much there is the chance of other countries facing such destruction. The way to counter this arrogance is to distribute free food as far as possible. You can dedicate the benefits of this action to Mother Earth. I would say this will benefit the world’s situation. Some may wonder how to do this. It is easy. After completing the annadhanam, hold some water in your hand and pour it on the ground while dedicating the merits of your action (punniyam) by saying “May it go everywhere, May the whole country benefit from it”. I would say that this is the best way to do it.
While annadhanam is good there is something else I would like to say. There is anger in everyone. Sometimes it is hidden but comes out in some form. This is common knowledge. I request please prevent this expression of anger. The reason is unnecessary anger and arrogance will create problems in the next year. I believe that by avoiding this you will be free of problems.

(Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Aadhi Arunachala Siddhar Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}

Gurunathar Message On Ashwini Pooja #20

Gurunathar’s Divine Message Ashwini Pooja 05-11-2006

The purpose of the Thirumandiram is that I would like to share what knowledge and wisdom I have gained by divine grace with everyone. However I find according to the way of the world only few seek the joy I am speaking about while many seek other pleasures. Still these days that I find amidst the youth there is an increase of interest in spirituality and contemplation of God. I would like to say that this tendency should be appreciated and praised. Just the way many drops of water can come together to cause a flood, I believe that these small changes can grow and yield great results. In this life we seek wealth and materialism and forget to seek the grace of God. At the end these riches will not come with us. What will come is God’s grace alone. I repeatedly tell you good work and good actions alone will benefit you.

{ Extract from the translation of Gurunathar’s Divine message given to and read by Aadhi Arunachala Siddhar Guruji Shri.K.V.Narayanan}